Gabrielle met Charlotte for their lesson together she didn't look to good today she had told him she'd see him at the second lesson which they shared together. 'What's wrong Char we usually walk together on the don't usually avoid me a an chance you can get.'

'I'm not avoiding you.'

'It sure as hell feels that way.'

'Well it's more. Trust me it's not.'

'So what is it?'

'We need to talk.'

'We are.'

'Not here.'

'After lesson I'm sure the guys won't mind if I go MIA for awhile.'

'Are you sure?'

"I am, this sounds important.'

'It is.'

He smiled as they sat down for their lesson.

They walked out together finding a suitable place to talk without people being nosey and overbearing ass holes.

They sat down. 'So what did you want to talk to me about?'

'You won't like it.'

'Try me.'

She looked at him, she swallowed, he'd never seen her so flustered. What ever it was it was big big enough for them to talk in private what could it possibly be? 'My father wants to talk to you,'

'Oh.' Was all he said, adding. 'Why?'

'He found out I was helping you to find your father I'm sorry.'

'How did he find out?'

Her eyes showed regret she never wanted it to come to this she wanted friends without them knowing who her father was so they'd be friends with her for her and nit who her father was. Though she was proud of her father she felt suffocated by his ambiance. 'He's a very powerful man.'

'I see.. but that still doesn't explain how he knows.'

'He knows everything Gabe, I went into his territory to find out about your father. He wasn't happy.'

'I see.'

'He's out a hold on it until he speaks to you. I'm so sorry Gabe but it's the way my dad works.'

'It's okay.'

'It's not, I wanted to help you alone and off my own back with interest his help. But he insists on talking to you so he can help.'

'It's fine char I'm not mad. I'll talk to your father if that's what it takes to find mine.'

A smile spread across her face. 'I thought you were going to be mad at me.'

'How can I be mad at you Char. Your dad is only doing what he thinks best for his daughter.'

'I hope he chooses to help you Gabe. I know my father he's not a east man and he doesn't help many people unless there's something in it for him.'

He smiled placing his hand on her face moving forward. 'There you are we've been looking everywhere.'

His hand dropped off her face. Fuck. 'Guys.'

'Well doesn't this look cosy.'

'It's not like that we were talking. How the hell dod you find us?'

'Really Gabe really? We know you come here to think, you've done it since year seven. We loked all over so we guessed you'd be here we thought you'd be alone.' He said eyeing Charlotte. 'Hi char what brings you here.' He said wriggling his eyes brows grinning like a Cheshire Cat.


'Not pleasure?'

'Were not together.'

'Your no fun. Come. On I want a fag before end of break.'

'We'll have one here no one knows we come here.'


He lit up a fag passing them round Charlotte shook her head she'd promised her father she'd never take it up ever.

He shrugged his shoulders and they had their cigarettes and doubted them out before the bell. They all pulled themselves up walling back in going to classes. 'I'll talk to your dad after supper okay.'

She nodded.

The remainder of the day went slow Til supper. Charlotte and Gabrielle said good night to their friends and made their way to her room. She closed the door sitting at the desk loving on to her laptop and into face time she'd text her father during lunch that Gabrielle was up to talking to him tonight once supper was over. His predominant features appeared on the screen. 'Good evening angel how's your day been?'

'Good papa.'

He smiled.

'I have someone here you wanted to talk to.'

'Put then on.'


They switched sears and she was now sitting nervously on the bed. Gabrielle looked at the man in his thirties maybe early forties he held a strange Ora around his gallant looks and dark hair, Charlotte looked nothing like him so she must follow her mother for her looks he guessed. The man stared back at the almost sixteen year old boy. Fuck his eyes his features his hair screamed Michele Russo what the fun Kwan's he doing in a private school in England and not in Italy? He had heard rumours that he'd got his step sister up the duff almost seventeen years ago and was due to marry her at least ten years ago after that he just went off the radar. 'No sir I'm Gabrielle Russo I'm friends with your daughter.'

He nodded. 'I'm Cade Campbell, Charlottes' father. I understand you are looking for your father.'

'That's correct sir.'

He smiled he liked this guy he had manners, unlike his father. 'So tell me son why you are lookign for your father. I need to know everything so I can track him down.'

'Yes sir.' He paused. 'Well you see I haven't seen or heard from my father since I was five. He and mom were set to get married. I'm not sure what happened, but one minute he was there and the next he was gone. My mother won't speak about him and what happened. I'd like to know why he left When he had me and my mother I grew up knowing nothing about the man I called my father though he obviously can't give two s... he couldn't give a rats .. just say he doesn't care enough to know that I'm okay and mom is doing good even though she decided sending me here was for the best and she never said why but my safety was up and for most the main concern and I was safer here than at a public school.'

'I understand.. so what is your fathers name and your mothers.?'

'My father Michele Russo. And my mother is Luciana De-Luca sir.'

'I see so you have your fathers surname?'

'Yes sir I do.'

'I tell you what I'm going to help you in any way I can cause your a polite and respectful boy but if any harm comes to my daughter I will not gesso take in any way but kill you.'

;I understand sir. Thank you. And I won't let anything happened to your daughter sir she's my friend and I'll always protest her.'

He noded. 'One more thing are you in a relationship with my daughter and I meant sexual not friends.'

'No sir were just friends.'



'Yes papa.' She said coming in view. 'Now listen to me angel. Take care of yourself and your friends okay. There are people out there that once I begin to help find his father will come after him and everyone around him so please be careful.'

'I will papa.'

'You have the gift I sent you don't you ?'

'Yes papa.'

'Good use it if necessary.'

'Good girl. This make take some time I have no idea where this guy is hiding.'

'Okay papa.'

'Goodnight angel.'

'Goodnight papa.'

'Goodnight Mr. Russo'

'Goodnight sir. And thanks for all of this.'

'My pleasure.'

The line went dead. He looked at Charlotte.' So what was the gift he sent you ?'

'If I school you promise you won't tell anyone else.'

'Cross my heart.' He said drawing a cross over his heart.

She pulled herself up walking over to the cupboard unloving it pulling out a velvet sleeve in knotting it. It fell open revealing a 45.

'Holly shit that's a 45.'

'It is.'

'Fuck Char is your dad part of a gang?'

'It's a little more than that but I promised I wouldn't tell anyone.' She said, sealing the gun back up knotting it sliding it back into the cupboard locking it. She turned to him. You can't tell anyone about the gun Gabe.'

'I won't.'

'Promise me.'

'I promise.'

He pulled her closer to him. You told my father we were just friends.'

'And we are.' He said pressing his lips on hers kissing her passionately. He moved to her ear whispering. 'I have a gun too so do all my friends.'

She gasped. 'I'll show you if you like.'

She nodded. Holly shit what was going on who was he? Did they really know each other? They both had secrets to keep but would they ever find out the truth why they were brought together ?

'I best be heading back to my room Char it's getting pretty late.'


He dropped his arms from around her pulling himself up. 'Don't read too much into it char I'm her to protect you.'

She nodded and he kissed her in the forehead before opening her door exiting her room what the hell was with the comment of "don't read to much onto it I'm here to protect you" ?