054 Sky High Bids

Charlotte was notified that the staff checked several guilds for their total capital, some more well-off players also came forward on their own to verify their wealth.

Both Charlotte and James were notified about the current wealth of the members from Harbingers of Death. They could now react instantly when they try to cause trouble. As long as they bid more than they can afford the Auction House can shut them down.

The bidding stopped at 10 gold and 45 silver. Alexander had the current highest bid; he was able to bid so much due to the help of the credit for his item's sales. He had a few ideas of who would get the rune if he were to win it.

Charlotte was about to finalize the bid when 'Magicks' spoke out to the crowd. "Whoever buys this item will get a chance to get a rune specializing in an attribute or effect of their choice. The only strings attached are that materials are to be provided, it is within my abilities, and it cashed in within a week."

James wanted to stir the pot so he told his new friend to announce an 'I Owe You' clause. Shortly after the announcement, a paper appeared next to the rune on stage.


Production Contract

The player with the alias 'Magicks' will create a single rune for the contract holder.

Terms of the contract:

1. The contract holder will provide the materials for the rune, as such the quality of the rune will depend on the materials provided.

2. It must be within the ability of the player with the alias 'Magicks'.

3. Time remaining: 7 days, 0 hours, 0 minutes

[Blue Moon Auctions]

Signer: 'Magicks'

Holder: TBD


Once Jame's body double was finished speaking the privacy screen was activated. The group in the room was lost.

"Why would you offer such a good deal?" asked Mercury.

James smiled and pet her head, "I hope to force Harbinger's hand. Their total wealth somehow equates to 15 gold and a few silver. They must have either spent a fortune buying the gold from the real world trading market or they bullied their way to the money. If they overbid their total gold I can have their guild kicked out of the building."

"What if he doesn't bid higher than he can?" asked 'Magicks'.

"It would be unfortunate. With that kind of money, they can purchase future items. Knowing them, they will resell the items at a higher price to the other guilds." James frowned.

Talon stood up and walked over to the now standing James, "Should I rile them up?" James thought about it for a moment.

"We can't openly do so, we would need to get someone else to do it." said the masked man.

Everyone turned and looked at the man, he had a point. He continued, "We recently found a video posted online that shows Alexander and his guild being killed by the Harbingers; I am sure he would like to cooperate with us. We may not even need to offer any additional benefits, allowing him to cause them trouble might be enough."

James turned to look at the man, "What was your name?" Ryan never introduced him nor did anyone ask him for his name. For all intents and purposes, he was 'Magicks'.

The man took off his mask and extended his hand out for a handshake, to which James followed suit, "My name is Dregg and I am a Fire Mage."

After formally getting to know Dregg, James knew what he needed to do. "I will personally go down to talk to him. Keep the auction going smoothly; have Charlotte only allow a maximum of 20 silver increments to keep things 'fair' and to prolong the auction".

A few messages were distributed, the auction continued as James wanted. He was rushing through the secret passages and arrived outside Alexander and Tempest's private room.

* Knock, Knock, Knock *

"Who is it?" asked Tempest.

"Blaise," James answered with a single word. The result? The door swung open right away.

"Please come in," Alexander asked him to enter the room.

James came in and waited to be allowed to sit. Once he was sitting he started talking, "Greeting, I don't think we have formally met."

Both Alexander and Tempest greeted James; Tempest also apologized in person about the library. James waved it off and said they were both being hot-headed.

Alexander directly asked for James's purpose, "What can we do for you? I can't believe that you would come to us unless you had something you wanted."

Since Alexander was getting straight to the point so did he, "Are you aware that a video of you and your guild being assassinated was posted by the Harbingers?"

"What?" said Alexander, surprised.

"You can verify it for yourself," replied James.

Tempest had someone check the forums and various video platforms. Sure enough, James was telling the truth. "He isn't lying. They posted the video before the auction started. Everyone is too distracted with the auction to notice."

The bidding was still going on and since Alexander was occupied with James he lost his top bid. He didn't care, he was more interested in what James was doing.

"Why tell us?" asked Alexander.

James was blunt, "We have the same enemy. I know it was you who fired them to kill Totem, and in resulting me."

Alexander didn't know what to say, he just repaired his relationship somewhat and didn't want to damage it.

Seeing that Alexander was struggling for works James continued, "You don't have to worry, after all, we wiped them out. My group and I are not taking it to heart."

Both Alexander and Tempest let out a sigh of relief. "Did you come here to talk about how to handle our mutual enemy?" asked Tempest.

"Yes, an I scratch your back, and you scratch mine sort of deal. So far I told you about the video; now you can get ahead of the fallout and prepare some PR. The second part is revenge on the Harbingers." James finally gave his reason to be there.

Alexander sized James up, he was trying to figure out what James's end game was. "What do you want us to do?"

"The Harbingers's leader is in guild room #63 and he has 15 gold and a few silver to spend. I want you to prevent them from winning any bids. Especially the Agility Rune currently up to bid." explained James.

Tempest didn't wait, "12 gold, 80 silver!"

"Is that why the Auction House limited the bidding increments to 20 silver?" asked Tempest.

"Yes, I needed time to come here," James answered.

Alexander talked about his worry, "If what you say is true, they have more money than us. That is even with the credit."

James thought about it for a second, "That is understandable, does that include your guild funds and personal funds?"

Alexander winced, sure he wanted the rune but to use both the guild's funds and his own could spark distress in his guild. "I cannot betray my guild that way. If I use my own money in the purchase of this item that would show that I would be purchasing it for myself. The guild knows our current funding and is rooting for us to win."

James had to solve the dilemma, "Hmm… How about this, the House will ignore your current funds. Bid as much as you need to rile up the Harbingers so they can be kicked out. If you win the auction you will need to pay back the difference before you can purchase anything else from the House."

Alexander didn't believe that James had the power to offer that kind of deal, "Are you really able to offer such a deal? You might be an investor but Blue Moon are the ones controlling the Auction House."

"You can check that Purple Membership Card if you don't believe me," replied James.

Alexander pulled out the card and had an astonished look. He saw that he had a credit of 50 gold coins. "What game are you playing?" Alexander was starting to get suspicious about James's position in everything.

James gave him a vague answer, "Game? Nothing much, I want Harbingers to be crushed. Simple as that; do you want to play the game with me?"

Alexander looked deeply at James, "Fine, we will join in on your game," he also wanted to establish a strong position in this relationship, "but if you ever go back on this deal I assume you know the consequences?"

James chuckled in response while heading to the door, "I can come up with a few thoughts; you do know that goes both ways. This Auction House will dominate the way items are sold. It would be hard-pressed to go elsewhere. Then there is the fact that my friends and I wouldn't take things laying down."

James left the room and returned to the master suite leaving Alexander and Tempest to their own devices.

"What do you think?" asked Alexander.

"It is interesting, to say the least. It appears to me that he is a strong leader, he managed to take control of that whole interaction," replied Tempest.

"I'll forget about that this time, lets keep bidding. He didn't directly say it but I feel like the credit he gave us is only to be used for the current item but I think I will continue to use it until we can get Harbingers to act up." Alexander said while laughing.

** Master Suite **

"Well, how did it go?" asked Mercury.

James's had a rather evil smile, "Dregg's plan was worth the try. They are in but I had to give them credit to afford the plan. They will pay back whatever they spend. Depending on how things so 'Magicks' will add other limitations for their purchases later on."

James returned to his seat to watch the auction. A show was about to begin. Mercury also returned to her seat, James's lap.

While Alexander refused to use his personal funds to purchase the rune, the other guilds didn't have the same honorable thoughts. They combined their personal funds with the guild funds, the top guilds even went as far as requesting gold from their co-leaders with the promise of repayment.

"You know, everything is a win for you, right?" said Mercury as she was kicking her legs back and forth.

"Hmm?" replied James.

"Well, Alexander and his group will definitely win this item leaving them in debt to you. That also leaves the other guilds with the funds to buy future items as well. As long as you can get Void and his dogs out of the auction house everything will be nice and smooth." she replied.

James only smiled and returned his attention to the auction. The main competition was between Harbingers, Solemn Sword, and Above the Heavens. Alexander had the leading bid of 14 gold and 60 silver.

Charlotte was excited, the auction was going better than she thought it would. "The current bid is 14 gold and 60 silver! Do I hear 14 gold and 80 silver?!"

** Author and Violet **

Was upset. "Damn how do these two have so much money?"

Violet gave her thoughts, "I don't know who is in the other guild room but the group in the VIP area is Alexander. He most likely is using his guild funds, the personal funds of him and his co-leaders, and the credit from selling his items earlier."

Author couldn't stand it but he had no choice, "We will have to give up this item, there will be other ways for me to get my agility attribute higher."

"Are you sure? Who knows how long it will take to find items that can give you more agility points. At this rate, it will take you ages to complete that quest." Violet was worried about Author.

"I have no choice… While agility items for a heavy armor class like myself are hard to come by, all I need is patience. The reward will feel better that way," explained Author.

The bidding war continued, Harbingers finally got to their limit. "15 gold and 20 silver!"

** VIP Room **

"That should be their limit, right?" asked Tempest.

"One way to find out," replied Alexander.


** House Floor **

"15 gold and 40 silver!" Alexander called out.


** Harbingers Room *

Cain's face was red as a lobster, "That bastard! If I find out who that is I will have their head!"

"Calm down, we can at least cause some trouble with this, right?" said Horizon.

"No, you daft idiot! They are kicking anyone that causes problems out! Even with all of our member's money combined were we not able to buy that damn rune." yelled Cain.

Horizon didn't say anything, he knew it would be best not to say anything further.

** House Floor **

Charlotte started to close the item's auction, "Going once," … "Going twice…" "Going three times!"...

Just as Charlotte was going to say sold another bid was called out, "20 gold coins!"

Every head in the auction house turned their heads to the source of the voice. It originated from the section that was designed specifically for NPCs, more specifically, Nobles. A short, fat man was standing proudly after his bid. He was dressed in very lavished clothes and wore enough jewelry to open a small jewelry store.

"Was this a part of the plan?" asked Mercury.

James stared at the Noble who bid, "No, Charlotte said they would be interested in the Runes but didn't say they would spend so much, especially since there are lower quality and cheaper runes for auction later on."

"What about Alexander?" asked Dregg.

James was already on top of things, "No need for him to bid on this item anymore, I've changed the credit available on his Membership card already."

Alexander was about to call out a new bid but Tempest stopped him, "What?"

Tempest showed him the new credit on the card, it was only 20 gold coins. It was obvious what James meant.

"Damn him," Alexander complained.