Shave It

[Your master's death caused that beast tide and forced the Kalhas to vacate the Kuhera Forest? Just who is he?]

"To be honest, I am not sure myself. Master didn't talk much about himself. All he said was that he was betrayed by a group of powerful people who are most probably celestials by now." Re'Kha looked around, sensing the meadow stretch as far as her perception could expand, beyond which were mountains.

Her tone turned sad, "They had poisoned him 20 years ago. He had been enduring it all along; and when he died, the poison was expelled from his body. That is what affected the entire region."

[It's not a Celestial but a group of Celestials. My god, was your master a Celestial himself?]

"I don't think so," Re'Kha shook her head, "He said he was still a Martial Master when he was poisoned. Even until the end, he was still a Martial Master."