Murim Recurve

Murim Recurve

Fantasy372 Chapters1.0M Views
Author: Overlord_Venus
Table of Contents

At the lowest point of her life, the daughter of a noble family encounters a human—a denizen of Myth in her world—and inherits his fate. Blinded, and betrayed, her perception of the world became skewed, only to realise a shocking fact: Her world wasn’t real. What was Virtual? And, what was Reality? In a world where supernatural elements run amok, she had to seek the truth, and decide whether to live in her Virtual World or barge into Reality.


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33 Reviews
Translation Quality
Stability of Updates
Story Development
Character Design
World Background
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Cover - Checked✓ Synopsis - Checked✓ First 3 chaps - Checked✓ Update stability - Checked✓ Quality - Checked✓ The cover is outstanding, I love it very much. The syno**is is short, to-the-point and ends with a question, not only that but the last question of synopsis makes me curious about WHAT? it forced me to read the first chapter. As of the chapters, very good narration, excellent use of vocabulary and outstanding way of portraying scenes. I like the character Re'Kha, she is so strong both mentally and physically, the five star is for her. The update stability will never let you down. The author writing quality can't be judged by my review. Read this book or Psychic Parasite of our Author to know how remarkable the story quality is. Overall, I give 11/10 ( ◜‿◝ )♡

3 years ago

Reveal Spoiler

3 years ago

Totally recommended to those that love very in-depth character development. Description. So many vivid descriptions that made you be part of the journey. Not only that, even the emotions of the MC is transferred to the reader. But, sometimes I have to reread a sentence to have a clear scene in my mind. The story so far is telling us more about it as we follow the characters especially the MC. And from what was revealed the novel has an amazing plot and the Author is trying to be Original in his Ideas. It might be more promising than Psychic Parasite! The only difference is that Psychic Parasite is a Unique Masterpiece. While this one seem to follow a typical Xinxia Cultivation.

3 years ago

Oh where to start. First, the introduction felt like something out of a movie you would watch for hours on end. Second, we get to see the main character in a bad state and can sympathize with her in how she feels for her master. Thirdly, the first chapter leaves you wanting for more and you just want to see the ones who have done her wrong punished with a heavenly flame that won't stop until all has been repaid ten-fold.

3 years ago

Beautifully crafted masterpiece from the author of Psychic Parasite. Love the thrill of it. Also, those horror elements were really scary. Love everything about this novel. It may be as good as parasite? It might even surpass it.

3 years ago

I have failed to notice any faults with the technical competency. The writing is of a high quality. The story development and character design is hard to comment on. This is due to the present lacking amount of chapters. The world background however, I think was well-made. The book offered an intriguing start, hinting at a vast and unexplored world. It is a fresh breath of air, considering how original the idea is. At least it appeared very original to me. A thumbs up for the creativity. I also liked how straight on the book/webnovel started. Instead of starting in a safe house in the woods, or waking up in a safe cave, I was thrown straight into the action. I am not quite sure if this one is my cup of tea, but I believe the story holds a lot of promise.

3 years ago

Unique world with a unique magic system. The terms we've heard before but they have different interactions and setups. The early chapters are confusing because there's no explanation, you're thrown in the deep end and expected to just get carried by the tide till you understand, which you will. It's several chapters before you understand the MC isn't human, but I'm over 30 in and I don't know what makes her different then a human, that hasn't been explained yet. Well, she has blue hair.... Some of the action scenes are confusing, they are detailed but they don't make a lot of sense when you picture it. You just have to suspend your disbelief.

3 years ago

Been looking for a female lead that's not romance! Thanks Venus! I really like the concept of the book. The quality is superb as always. Cheers to a future bestseller!

3 years ago

A good story for sure and the writing is excellent, but it is one og the slowest progression in a story I have come. A bit like reading the "LotR" books. 1 chapter of story, 3 chapter of explenation of the world and how thing works, and after 200 chapters I had to give up. I like the story and the MC, bit I felt the development of what i would call "the second MC" became too cheesy and OP and destroyed my immerson i felt for the main MC. Do not take that AS negative critisim, cuz the story and everything is good and Wells fleshed out, but after a while and how the character focuse devloped, it was not my cup of tea anymore. I like when i can immerse in one character. That keeps everything else more mysterious and thrilling for me.

3 years ago


3 years ago

well done, I read three chaps and I can tell you that the story is beautiful, the way that the author describes the world is beautiful and lyrically imaginable.[img=recommend]

3 years ago

Solid author writes compelling novels. Only qualm I have ever had with Venus is he likes to repeat details or over analyse certain aspects of a plot. More of a pet peev then anything. Doesn't subtract from the fact his works are on the level of published writings or better.

3 years ago

Generally, I don't give 5 stars to all novels. But for this after reading few chapters I felt this book deserves five stars. If I can, I want to give 5+rating. Unlike many novels, with different styles and other things. This book is unique. Its world-building is just impressive. The way the author put the words is just beautiful. When I start reading this book I felt like everything is happening in front of me. This is another great work from Author OV. I wish to see you win the WSA. All the best Author!

3 years ago

Expected nothing less.....Keep up the good work....[img=recommend][img=recommend][img=recommend][img=recommend][img=recommend][img=recommend]

3 years ago

The best novel i have seen so far. Completely honest! Waiting for more~

3 years ago