Air Packet

"Ugh," Re'Kha woke up at the sounds of knocking, feeling sluggish all over. Her joints ached while she felt a splitting headache. Her face was heating up while her limbs were freezing over.

Re'Kha felt weak, feeling difficulty in moving. She activated her Wind Qi perception, extending it to beyond her room as she saw the figure of Burfuna Ki'Nha at the door. She was repeatedly knocking, the sounds turning louder as time passed.

She noticed the thin lines on her face—representing the eyes, nose line, and lips—change form, barely making out that Ki'Nha was feeling anxious. Intending to reply to her, Re'Kha opened her mouth, "Coming!"

She shouted, noticing her voice was thin, almost inaudible. But, something strange happened. When she shouted, the grey sand before her mouth vibrated. But, unlike before when the vibration spread radially as a wave, it travelled as a packet this time.