Carefree Conversation

"Come in," Re'Kha smiled, watching three girls saunter in with expressions of curiosity, their beaming eyes bereft of their previous apologetic emotions. Re'Kha had just closed the door when she saw the three make themselves home on the sofa, jumping in joy as they looked at her with anticipation.

"So," Re'Kha saw opposite to them, "What do you wish to know?"

"Tell us a story sister," Burfuna Ki'Nua beamed, "You have explored different places, right? Tell us about them?"

'I haven't left Burkurel City until now. Even during the missions, I did head to different regions, but most were within the jurisdiction of Burkurel City.' Re'Kha felt a mild headache, coming to realise the side-effects of lying, 'I cannot make up a lie here. Maybe I'll just talk about an incident I have encountered. Hmm, I cannot say anything too distinct that would point it towards me. So, I have to avoid anything that might be familiar to them.'