Future Quests Would Be Bizarre and Difficult

'Now, I have to find her mother. Just where are you?' Re'Kha frowned, then recalling her call did go through. As long as it wasn't a possible kidnapping case, there should at least be some clue with the receiver.

Re'Kha connected the mobile's Bluetooth to her car's as she made the call. Soon, after a couple of rings, the call went through as the man's gruff voice resounded once again, "…Hello?"

"Hello, this is my friend's number. Can you give the phone to her?"

"She's…dead." The gruff voice resounded with a deadpan tone.

"What?" Re'Kha shouted in surprise, "What happened to her? Where is she now? And who are you?"

"…Just your average Serial Killer." Saying his piece, the owner of the gruff voice smashed the phone to the ground before stomping on it. Re'Kha could clearly determine it based on the sound she heard.