Using a Poltergeist to His Advantage

Once the portal in the city opened, the figure in the sky nodded, "So, there was indeed a dimension of the Treka hidden here. It's good that they showed themselves. Now, I can mark this place to defend against in the future."

He nodded, "It seems building a city in this valley would be beneficial in the long run. Anyway, enough people are living here, so they can easily be relocated into the city and further strengthen this region. My state only has three cities. It's time to build the fourth one."

Celestial King Water!

It was his title, the way he was addressed, and the ruler of the state of Burlong. Every state had a Celestial King ruling it while a couple other Celestial Kings resided within the Sect in the state to oversee many matters.

And, as Burlong was a state that was the richest in Water Qi among all the states of their country, the ruler was someone of the water element. And unlike the other Celestial Kings, he only wielded the water element.