Gro Mining Village

Gro Mining Village; it was evening by the time Re'Kha reached the place. It was located halfway up a hill that was situated in steep terrain. So, it was hard for her to traverse, especially when the path was very narrow.

Thankfully, she could still travel through it with her horse. Otherwise, she wouldn't have reached the place even after nightfall if she were to traverse on foot. The mining village wasn't anything special. It was situated in front of a cave, the entrance into the hill's mineral deposits.

And, the cave seemed to tread downward like a long shaft, swallowed up by darkness. It was hard to mine under such conditions. But, there were numerous mirrors embedded into the walls to reflect the sunlight deep into the cave.

And, there were four large mirrors outside the cave to direct as much of the sunlight into the cave as possible. From the cave was a protrusion of the hill, acting as a flat plain on which around twenty houses were constructed.