Killing the Two Foes

The Water Qi in the surroundings quickly eradicated the murky fluid as Re'Kha heaved a sigh in relief, panting as she gasped for breath. She then noticed Re'Dha shoot an arrow towards the first Golpa Ras from time to time as he ran around.

After Re'Kha killed her foe, his Balou was still barely alive. So, it sprinted towards the first Golpa Ras, ramming into it, tumbling together to the ground.

"Hold it in place!" Re'Gra shouted as Re'Dha threw his crossbow to the side and sprinted forward, unleashing his Hand Projection as he grabbed one of the Golpa Ras's legs. Similarly, Re'Kha too arrived beside him, using the remainder of her Water Qi to condense a Hand Projection, using it to grab hold of the other leg.

Then, the two of them grunted, using their Hand Projections to lift the Golpa Ras by its legs.