Diving In

"Just what is the reason?" Re'Kha frowned, unable to think of anything. No memory related to Chaya showed such a character in her. She was a regular housewife, through and through.

She surfed through Chaya's social media, looking at the numerous pictures she had uploaded. It was just typical of someone like her, nothing unusual. Re'Kha then looked past them, trailing over the years to her past, finally arriving at her first picture that had been uploaded when she was in high school.

She was considerably pretty back then, as she had been active in sports. It seems she hadn't bothered to maintain her physique after giving birth, causing her to lose most of her previous charm.

Using the torchlight of her phone, Re'Kha flashed around the room, looking at everything installed in place. Even though her character was living with his parents, he seemed to maintain his own private life, judging by the facilities installed in place.