Contemporary Murim

"Ah," Re'Kha felt confused for a couple of seconds before she understood her situation. As she had endured through it, midnight arrived, resetting Earth while helping her inhabit the body of another individual. 

As the same day was repeated, it meant the scene she was in a minute ago hadn't even occurred now. But unfortunately for her, she couldn't wait until it happened. For, the moment it was 9:20 AM, she would be automatically transported out of Earth.

Her surroundings were dark, preventing her from seeing anything, thanks to the power cut. It seemed the power cut happened late into the night daily. So, the darkness prevented her from judging her surroundings.

She then touched the surface she was upon, feeling its softness as the related memory gushed into her. It was a bed, and as Re'Kha probed around in the dark, upon every contact, the related memory flowed into her mind, allowing her to understand her situation better.