Numbers Matter a Lot

"Steelcraft…" Re'Kha muttered, feeling the name was apt for the situation. She then thought about it and said, "Then, why is the headgear named Contemporary Murim? Does the name serve any purpose?"

"Well, truth to be told," The boy let out a wry smile, "It's because of a simple reason. The VR world we access is the Murim or the World of Martial Arts in simple terms. And, since we access that world while we exist, move, and affect Earth, and as the headgear is what makes it possible, it was given such a name."

"And, that is where I came to know about it," The boy said as he opened the camera of his phone, displaying his smiling face in the front-facing camera, "The VR world we access seems to be a replica of your world. That may be another reason you have been able to inhabit me. Or…"