Eye Disguise

"What happened, grandma?" Re'Kha looked around, failing to notice anyone else as she addressed the anxious individual waiting at the entrance of her house.

Upon seeing that she was fine, Mu'Tua sighed, "That time has come in the end. Your mother visited me in the morning."

"…What did she say?" All her emotions burst as for a moment; her voice turned emotionless.

"She'll arrive to talk in the evening. She didn't say anything other than to remind you to be here by then." Mu'Tua sighed, motioning for Re'Kha to enter the house.

Activating her Wind Qi perception, Re'Kha observed her surroundings, noticing the two servants, Suu and Sii work at the back of the house, drying the clothes. There wasn't anyone else in the vicinity as Re'Kha heaved a sigh in relief, finally speaking once they sat in the living room, "Grandma, I succeeded in regaining my sight."