As Always, Focus on the Granary

Even though the conversation between the old lady and the teenage boy was completely normal, Re'Kha knew she shouldn't be fooled by them. After all, it was the old lady that had taken charge to release the three Sha back then.

Moreover, she had whistled using the whistle hung on her neck. And, immediately after that, water started flowing in the water tank where the crate with the three Sha was kept. So, it meant she had more helpers, rather capable ones in fact.

So, Re'Kha was cautious and didn't take any abrupt action that would make them notice her presence. After all, based on what they had said before, they planned to make a move only in the middle of the Peak Fire Month.

There was still a month for that to happen. So, Re'Kha didn't rush. Besides, as long as she trailed past their actions, she would be able to know when they planned to release the three Sha again. She could immediately alert the people of them and prevent their plans from succeeding.