Outbreak of Sha

"Since you have seven, I allotted you places near to one another." The Clan Head said and continued to hand out scrolls to the others. And, even Re'Dha was allotted one. Upon receiving a scroll, Re'Dha was startled. He then stealthily looked around, slowly slipping his scroll into the pile of scrolls in the hands of Re'Kha. He then noticed that Re'Gra too was of the same mind.

At the same time, they felt two gazes on them, turning around to see Re'Fua and Re'Rel gaze at them with smiles. Among them, the gaze from Re'Rel was still fine, as it seemed he wouldn't punish them too much. But Re'Fua looked like she would tie them up into a bundle and abandon them under some random bush in the wilds if they dared to do so.

Upon receiving the stares from their older siblings, the two retracted their scrolls. But, what they didn't know was the fact that Re'Kha had swapped their scrolls with one her hers while acting like she was looking through the first scroll.