
In order to dissipate its Ghost Qi, Re'Kha didn't hesitate to make use of the cloth banner. After all, if she failed here, she would lose her life. And, the moment the Blinded Ghost used the Hand Projection, she knew it would be able to kill both the Yali and the Pakou.

So, she expended 10 units of Water Qi and summoned her second Pranic Avatar, the Rupak. And this time, it condensed as a being of water, almost assimilating within the Water Qi-rich surroundings. And, as the Water Qi levels were about to reach the saturation point, its figure was harder and harder to discern.

The Rupak carried the cloth banner, using its speed and dynamic air stability to wrap it around the Blinded Ghost when it was in the process of killing the Yali. Once it was done, it flew away, hiding in a place saturated with Water Qi to attack when necessary.