Mu Clan

"Yes?" Ki'Nha jolted awake, looking at Re'Kha as she took a moment to gather her bearings. "How is it, Lady Re'Luk?"

Though, even without a reply, Ki'Nha already knew the answer when she saw the bright complexion of Re'Kha. Unbruised arms, a healthy face with a rosy complexion, and a body brimming with vitality, Re'Kha was perfectly fine now.

"Oh, I was wondering who it was. So, it is you, Lady Ki'Nha." Mu'Tua exited the room, smiling as she cupped her fists in greeting. "I hope this child didn't trouble you much."

Her eyes shone as Ki'Nha realised the meaning behind the words Mu'Tua used, asking immediately, "Is Lady Re'Luk related to you, Lady Mu'Tua?"

"She's a far relation," Mu'Tua smiled, not detailing further. "This child is always travelling and hasn't stayed in one place for long. I'm dragging her to my house, otherwise, I won't even be able to meet her by the time of my death."