
"Thank you, grandma," Re'Kha hugged the Muki as her expression turned into one of relaxation. She fawned over the fawn, beginning to play with it as she giggled at times. She jumped around the room, chasing after the fawn that escaped from her hold, only stopping when Mu'Tua chided her.

"I'll contact your father and inform him about your well-being," Mu'Tua said, noticing a change in Re'Kha as she continued, "Don't worry, your mother won't know. I have a secret route to deliver the message to him."

"Until then," She gazed at Re'Kha, "Just stay with me for the time being. My cottage is just too big for an old lady like myself. Having you around would be pleasant. Just stay here until the chaos in your Clan subsides."

Re'Kha thought through her choices, judging that it was better to stay with Mu'Tua than on her own. Moreover, Mu'Tua was an experienced doctor, so even if some complications arise in her, she could be treated immediately.