A Sha’s Shell

The room was a rectangle, spanning thrice her height as the length and twice her height as the breadth. It wasn't a big room. And, hung on the wall at the back was an arm-length plate, spherical in shape, metallic.

Many details were inscribed on it, comprised of swirling lines and zigzagged scratches. And finally, embedded in the centre was the impression of a palm, deep enough as if a person's palm had fully pressed into the metal place to the limit.

The moment Ki'Nua looked at it, a formless energy wafted out from it and slammed into her. The energy didn't do any damage to her though, for it was Kalki Qi. It immediately lodged into her body, seeping into each of her cells before flowing into her meridians.

The Kalki Qi then flowed through the meridians, getting accumulated within the numerous nodes. The meridians too were a network similar to the nerves on the body. But, there was one difference here.