
"Did something happen, lady Re'Luk?" Ki'Sha said, watching Re'Kha shake her head, motioning she didn't wish to speak about it in public. Ki'Sha waved her hand, motioning Officer Rhi to announce the matter in the restaurant.

The two then proceeded towards the inn as Re'Kha muttered, "The water pipelines are filled with flowing water that contains a lot of Water Qi. And, the water flow never stops. But, I saw the Sha escape using the taps. I cannot understand how it could move through the water."

"It is strange indeed," Ki'Sha nodded. She had also noticed the issue when she was moving through the restaurant's ground floor. So, she knew something was up and the situation seemed fishy. 'But, a Sha can never be controlled. So, this shouldn't be the plan of an opposing force. Then what is actually happening?'