Harpen Waves Imitation

"That is one of our finest swords, my lady." The shopkeeper, a man in his seventies appeared, sporting a mild hunchback. He looked at her with a smile, "But, I advise you to pick something else. You have well-balanced arms, so you are better with dual-wielding weapons. I can suggest a pair of short swords that would be the perfect weight for your strength."

Re'Kha noticed that he was a Harmoniser from the Ju Clan, and judging by the glow of the gem on his Tikka jewellery, he was powerful. Through his natural talents alone, he would have been able to comprehend two units worth of Metal Qi in a year.

So, judging by his age, she wouldn't be surprised if he had already reached the peak as a Harmoniser. 100 units of Elemental Qi was the peak of a Harmoniser.

"May I know your name, senior?" Re'Kha made a formal bow as she spoke with a respectful tone. The person opposite her might very well be an elder of the Ju Clan. So, she had to show proper respect.