Ki’Nua Takes Action

"13,470 RuQi, going once…going twice…going thrice…sold!" The auctioneer lady shouted, "Congratulations to seat number 319 for obtaining this treasure."

She then laughed, "The next is the Water Qi hammer. The starting price is 1200 RuQi. You can bid for it now!"

The sounds of the levers going up resounded throughout the auction house as most of the participants increased the price by 1000 RuQi. All along, the auctioneer lady had been observing the seats pointed in the paper but was unable to detect anything amiss.

She was getting more and more confused, wondering the reason she received the piece of paper in the first place. For a moment, the thought that someone was screwing with her did cross her mind. But despite being alert all along, she hadn't managed to sense the paper bit until it hit her fur coat.