Maturity and a Harmoniser

Time passed in such a manner, but Ki'Nua remained seated, having no luck at sensing anything. It was already afternoon by now as her stomach rumbled with hunger. She then opened her eyes, sighing as she said, "I couldn't sense anything."

"What about this? Do you sense anything from it?" Re'Kha held the metal slab painting in her hands, bringing it closer to Ki'Nua as she inquired.

Ki'Nua stared at it for a long time but was unable to sense anything as she shook her head. Upon seeing how they couldn't find any clue, Re'Kha sighed, out of ideas for the time being. She then looked at Ki'Nha, "I think we can just destroy them first before thinking about the rest."

"That would be for the best," Ki'Nha said as her husband took a bucket and put all the items of suspect in it, "I'll consult others too about this. It would be for the best if we obtained some clue out of it."