Slots and Prana Stones

"Get out!" Re'Kha shouted as she arrived next to the driver's seat. Her tone was arrogant, treating people as if they didn't have much to be worthy about. It was the character of the lady in effect. As it wasn't her first exploration, Re'Kha wasn't bothered by it.

She had been to Earth four times till now. According to the rules established by the Celestial Emperor, a Harmoniser could only visit Earth once per year. There were no penalties imposed by the Celestial Emperor. After all, the portals themselves wouldn't allow someone more than once per year.

But, it was only concerning to the respective portal. The same Harmoniser could visit the portal in another city and reach Earth a second time in the same year. But, no one actually did that. After all, it wasn't as if Harmonisers from another city would allow a slot for someone other than their own.