Forgoing Rights to Visit Earth

"Create a Magic Artifact?" Upon hearing the choice of terms used, Re'Tul was shocked as numerous thoughts flashed in her mind.

"Yes," Re'Kha replied as she glanced at her mother.

Re'Bah nodded as she stood up and cupped her fists, facing the Clan Elders, "Elders, in the recent auction in Burfuna City, Re'Bah managed to get a Hammer Magic Artifact. From now onwards, West Lake can also forge Magic Artifacts."

"Impressive, Re'Bah." The head Elder didn't stint his praise, "This way, the Clan can create more Magic Artifacts. Considering the fact that the world is becoming more and more dangerous these days, doubling our forging rate would help our Clan in the long run."

He then spoke with a tone of caution, "But, you should remember that all Magic Artifacts should be under our supervision, even if they are those created personally for you."