Attacking the Blinded Ghost’s Shell

Once she finished recovering, Re'Kha descended the auction house using her Hand Projections. Even though she wasted all her recovered Water Qi in this one action, it saved her a lot of time.

She then began to sprint on the road, keeping track of her surroundings through her Water Qi perception. The good thing with an Elemental Qi Essence was that as the user moved, the domain within which it emitted Elemental Qi too moved accordingly, moving forth like an enclosed bubble.

Thanks to this, she could recover while being able to perceive her surroundings. The fight had become too chaotic as Harmonisers came and went, bringing forth weapons to use while fleeing once their Elemental Qi was expended.

Because of this, she could escape easily. As she ran through the streets, her Water Qi was slowly getting replenished. Even though she was wasting her Water Qi Essence a lot, Re'Kha wasn't concerned. After all, she had enough to last her a lifetime.