Too Many Potential Sha

Later in the afternoon, the messenger bird from Re'Rel arrived. Re'Gra read the chit it brought, writing his reply as he sent it back, turning around to say to Re'Kha, "He's already done with his mission. Re'Fua is also done with hers. They are sprinting towards here as we speak. Judging by the way he had written the letter, it seems big brother was in a hurry to arrive. They'll probably be here by nighttime."

"That's rather quick," Re'Kha said, recalling the mission location of Re'Rel and Re'Fua. They were located a day's journey from their current location. Moreover, their mission was tricky, as it involved a Sha, a rather developed one at that. So, the fact that they had swiftly dispatched it and had headed to reinforce Re'Kha displayed their sheer prowess.

In the meantime, Re'Kha conversed with the village head of Metal Spring Village, who surprisingly happened to be the old man they had seen at the start.

"When did they first appear?" Re'Kha inquired.