Re’Rak Arrives at Burkurel City

Burkurel City; to the south of the city existed a hill that had been made into a temporary stronghold. Towers of wood had been erected to serve as a lookout; soldiers were stationed atop it.

Among them was a bulky man, possessing ripped arms that exuded strength. His beard was cleanly trimmed, accentuating his sharp jaw while his eyes looked sharp. The gem on his Tikka jewellery glowed bright blue, showing his power as a Harmoniser. He was Burkurel Re'Rak, the father of Burkurel Re'Kha.

He had been stationed at the Bura Fort, located southernmost of their state that bordered their enemy, the race of Treka. The moment news of his daughter's disappearance reached him, he led the army Bura Fort had dispatched and returned to Burkurel City in hopes of tracking her down.