What Do You Plan to Do, Re’Kha?

"How do you plan to manoeuvre through that in the presence of the Elders?" Hearing her mother's question, Re'Kha fell deep into thought. She knew for a fact her mother didn't just ask the question to test her.

Rather, if Re'Kha was unable to extricate herself from a situation she had caused due to her lapse in judgement, then Re'Bah would simply give up supporting her. She was as cold-hearted as that. After all, to her, Re'Kha was just a tool that would amplify her position and solidify their family into becoming the Central pillar of the Burkurel Re Clan.

Every Clan was composed of numerous blood-related families. But, due to the long years of separation, and mixing of foreign blood, it could be said that they almost had no relations with one another.