Expanding Through the Pipelines

"There," Burfuna Ki'Nha shouted, thrusting her index and middle finger forward, unleashing another bolt of lightning. The lightning bolt slammed into a spot where a dark cloud condensed on the floor, vaporising it.

A feeble scream followed suit as the coldness suffusing the floor abated. Ki'Nha immediately rushed to the help of Re'Kha, "Lady Re'Luk, are you alright?"

"I'll be fine for the time being," Re'Kha panted as she said, "Please head to the ground floor. We need those keys to save the others."

"I'll be on my way, please be safe," Ki'Nha said and rushed through the stairs with the other Royal Clan lady. Re'Kha watched their backs as she felt difficulty in breathing. The coldness seeping into her lungs was preventing her from breathing properly.