The First Training!

"An agreement? … What kind of agreement? "

Noah asked shakily as he took a small step back.

"I will let you take everything they have here for you."

Said the snake with its head leaning on the ground and its eyes almost closing.

"But I can take everything after you die, can't I?"

Noah spoke with a shaking body and a small smile.

"You are right, human. You could take everything you have here after I die, but you know that even in this state I can kill you easily, don't you? "

Said the snake, trying very hard to raise its head a little off the ground.


[She is absolutely right, you would die without even knowing how or when it happened!]

"Ah, it was great to hear about it! … Okay, I make a deal with you, just tell me what I have to do! "

Noah spoke with a trembling body but with a firm posture, while looking into the eyes of the semi dragon.

"You are going to be the first human I will trust, so you better not betray that trust!"

He spoke to the snake without any more force and slowly bringing his head to the ground.

"Don't worry that deals and promises are very important to me, so it's impossible for me to betray you."

Noah said looking into the snake's eyes with a small smile on his face.

"Ok human, I want you to do just one thing. Take care of my son and guarantee that he will be able to ascend to a legendary Dragon, so that he does not have a future like mine. "

He spoke the semi-dragon with a tear running down his gigantic face, and his eyes slowly closed as he thought 'Please human…' and so the semi-dragon couldn't resist anymore and succumbed to its internal wounds.

Seeing the total silence that was in place, he quickly realized that the semi dragon was gone, and although Noah did not care for that snake, he bent to pay respect to a mother who, different from his own, really cared your son.

"Do you know where her son is?"

Noah asked as he slowly lifted his head.

[Are you really going to take care of the son of the semi dragon?]

"As I said before, promises and agreements are very important to me."

Noah said as he tapped his pants, to get the dirt off when he knelt down.

[Okay, so I'm going to show you the way!]

Noah followed the system's instructions to get to where the dragon's son was, and the deeper he went into the tunnel, the bigger and more confused he became.

'Is this a maze by any chance !?'

Noah shouted, irritated that he was already forgetting how many times he seemed to have passed the same place.


[And as I said earlier, it extends for about 50 kilometers!]

"50 kilometers !? I will not walk all this! You don't have a faster way to get to her son, do you? "

Asked Noah falling sitting on the floor, because he was too lazy to walk all over that place.


[Didn't you say that promises and agreements are very important to you? You're not thinking about breaking one, are you?]

"Shit! I am my goddamn mouth! "

Noah exclaimed as he stood up, hitting again the dirt that had remained on his clothes.

Noah got up and looked forward and without thinking much he ran aimlessly through the tunnels, just following what his intuition said. While he ran the system always tried to make him follow the right path, but Noah continued to pretend not to be listening to him, and continued running in the direction of his intuition. After running a lot, the system said Noah was almost arriving at the place where the dragon's son was probably.

However, before reaching the place, Noah fell into something like a trap when a huge hole opened up in the middle of the "Shit!" exclaimed Noah when he realized he was going to fall.

"Aaaaaahh ...!"

"Hmm? Why am I not feeling anything? I've already died?"

Noah wondered with his eyes closed.

[Noah, you didn't die!]

"Oh, wow, that's great!"

Noah said as he stood up opening his eyes.


"What is it?"

Noah asked, impressed by the huge body in front of him.

The body of a gigantic being that looked like a bird, and that bird was really wonderfully beautiful to look at, even when it was dead, since the feathers on its body glowed with a wonderful blue flame, and the feathers of its tail in a strong icy blue fire.


[This is a Legendary Phoenix!]

[Legendary phoenix are beings considered equal to dragons, one as powerful as the other at its peak!]

"And is that useful to me?"

Noah asked as he walked around and looked at the body lying on the floor.


[Both the blood or other body parts of the semi-dragon and this Legendary Phoenix can be used to advance your cultivation!]

"Cultivation? … Speaking of which, until now you have not explained to me about how I do to cultivate! "

Exclaimed Noah complaining to the system.

[…I did not say?]


Noah shouted, angry at the system.

[Okay, my mistake. I should have explained it to you earlier, so to redeem myself I'll tell you one of the duties I have!]

"Duties? What duties? Wasn't it just for you to bring me into this world and stay by my side? "

Noah asked as he sat on the floor and crossed his legs.


[I must also assist you in your quest for power, helping you in everything that is possible! And one of my duties is to give you the technique to start your training, along with some information about cultivation when you arrive in this world!]

"Oh, this is good! But how do you… Aaaaaaaaahh! "

Before Noah was able to finish speaking he felt a huge pain in his head, and it made him cry out in pain on the floor as he turned and tightened his hair.

[The transfer of information has started!]








[The transfer of information has been successfully completed!]

"Cof! Cof! "

"Arf! Arf!

"What the fuck did you do !?"

Noah shouted sitting up and putting his left hand on his head because of the pain.

[His first cultivation technique and some information about it, was sent to your brain!]

"See if you know before you do that next time! That fucking hurts! "

Noah said while still sitting on the floor, crossing his legs and taking his hand off his head.

[…I understand!]

"... Let's see if this really works."

Noah said as he closed his eyes, and tried to forget the pain and then concentrate.

After a few minutes Noah finally managed to forget the pain in his head and focus entirely on meditation, taking a deep breath and trying to feel everything around him, he focused more and more with every second that passed, but even then it just wasn't enough .

A few minutes passed and nothing different, Noah saw nothing, felt nothing, but all of his senses were becoming more and more acute with the passage of time.

And after 1 hour had passed, Noah began to feel things close to his body, it was as if to walk around that place he didn't even need to see, but just use his other senses, which were now much more acute, as if were your eyes.

Then 3 hours went by with Noah completely committed and focused on his meditation, but even after all this time, it seemed that only his senses continued to improve, and nothing more.

But after 6 hours of total focus and commitment to meditation in exactly the right way, taught by the technique that the system gave him, Noah began to feel a powerful energy that was always around him, and even without being able to see, thanks to the information passed on to him through the system he clearly knew that that energy called Qi was shaped like tiny white balls that exist all over the world.

After 7 and a half hours of meditation, Noah began to be able to draw Qi close to his body, with just one more step left to complete his first training.

And when 9 hours passed with Noah meditating, he was finally managing to gather the IQ next to him, inside his own body.

Then 15 hours of meditation passed.

[Congratulations Noah Evil for reaching the first stage of the body's temperament!]