The Changes In Your Body!

After going up to the first stage of the tempered body, Noah got up and looked at his own body saying "... hasn't anything changed?" disappointed to realize that nothing was different.

[The change that occurs when cultivating is internal, not external! … So, how are you feeling now?]

"How am I feeling? … Normal, I think. "

Noah replied, looking at his whole body and seeing if everything was in place.

[Try to do something!]

"Trying to do something? Ah, I know. "

Noah whispered trying to think of something he could do to see if he hears any changes.

After thinking about it, Noah found an activity he could do to test his body and see if there was any improvement in his physical attributes. Noah then looked around him and looked for someplace where he could get back to the maze he was in before.

However, when he looked around he realized that the place where he was now was big enough to do what he wanted, to tell the truth, it was much bigger than necessary.

Before Noah hadn't paid so much attention to the place he had accidentally fallen into, the only thing he looked at when he got there was the gigantic body of the Legendary Phoenix that was lying on the ground right in front of him, but other than that he didn't looked at or noticed anything else in the place.

But after Noah walked in there for a while he was able to see something quite incredible, it was not as incredible as the body of the phoenix but it was still incredible, there were hundreds or even thousands of colored stones together on the floor, just behind the body of the phoenix. Phoenix.


Exclaimed Noah, impressed.

[These are crystals that contain Qi within them!]

"Really? What are they for? "

Noah asked as he approached the crystals.

[They can be used to recover your body's Qi!]

"Ah, is that all?"

Noah spoke disappointedly as he tossed the blue crystal he had just picked up, again in the pile with the others.

[They are also the money in this world with gold being the most valuable, followed by red, and then blue, which is the most normal of all three!]

"Cash? Damn, why didn't you say that before !? "

Noah said as he jumped through the crystals.

"I'm rich! There is! Ah! Ah! Ah! "

He shouted Noah laughing as he threw several crystals into the air.

As he threw the crystals into the air, an important question came to Noah and he thought '… How am I going to take all this with me?' As he steps out of the crystals.

Noah got up, looked at all those crystals and turned around thinking, "It's impossible for me to take them all ... but I don't want to leave any too ... damn, what do I do?" 'While pulling his own hair because he was nervous.

After trying to think for a few minutes, Noah had finally accepted that he really wasn't going to be able to take all those crystals with him, and when he turned around he shouted "Damn! Where are my crystals !? " looking back and realizing that all the crystals were gone.

Desperate Noah started looking for crystals all over the place, he surrounded the body of the phoenix but found nothing, he looked in the rest of the place looking for the crystals but did not find them, however while looking for the crystals Noah went through several very useful things that he didn't even pay attention.

He passed several pills that were on the floor next to the left wing of the phoenix, and also passed several herbs that were next to the right wing of the phoenix. And as he went around and around in that huge place in just a few seconds, the system spoke

[You can stop running now, they are all with me!]

"What!? Why do not you…"

Before he finished speaking, Noah fell on his back on the floor due to exhaustion, but unlike before, he was not panting for doing that, quite the opposite, as he lay on the floor with his left arm over his eyes for just a few minutes. , all the fatigue he was feeling has disappeared.

"Why didn't you tell me before they were with you?"

Noah asked as he removed his arm from his eyes.

[Didn't you feel anything while running?]

"To feel? I just felt that I was faster… faster! "

Noah exclaimed as he stood up abruptly.

[Get it now?]

"Of course I understand! … But wait, is that it? Did I just get faster? "

Asked Noah looked at his body.


[Reaching the first stage of the tempered body, you have become faster, stronger and also more resilient than ordinary people!]

"All of this? Cultivating is really very useful. "

Noah exclaimed while smiling, clenching his two fists.

After understanding the changes that took place in his body when he evolved to the first stage of the tempered body, Noah thoughtfully walked slowly to the front of the phoenix and stood there looking at it for a few minutes.

[Why are you looking at that corpse so much?]

"I have an idea… but I don't know if it will really work. "

She spoke to Noah with her right hand on her chin.

[A plan?]

[But what plan would that be?]

"I don't know if ... do they have a knife around here?"

Noah asked as he looked around for the desired object.


[There was one among the herbs that I kept before!]

Seeing that knife appear in the middle of nowhere, Noah asked "... How did you do that?" being quite interested in that.

[This is one of my skills, it is very similar to a space bag, but different from the bag my ability has no space limit!]

"So this is what you saved my money with?"

Noah asked as he picked up the old knife lying on the floor.


[Now, what are you going to do Noah Evil?]

"What I'll do? Well just look. "

Noah replied with a smile on his face, and standing up after he already took the knife.

After taking the knife and getting up, Noah turned in the direction of the phoenix and stood there looking at him for a few more minutes, and after a few minutes had passed, Noah for some reason started to take off his clothes and then totally naked , was walking slowly towards the neck of the phoenix.


And when he reached in front of the phoenix's neck, Noah looked forward, crouched under the phoenix's neck and stood in the same position as when he was meditating before, and with the knife in his right hand, Noah again looked up and without thinking too much he cut the phoenix's throat.

The moment he cut the phoenix's throat, he started dripping the phoenix's blood over Noah's body, and when the first drop of blood touched his skin, Noah screamed "Aaaaaaaah!" because he was feeling absurd pain in his body, it was as if that drop of blood was actually a burning call that was falling on his body.

He had tried hard to cut the phoenix's neck, but all he did was a shallow cut, being deep enough just to make the blood drip on him. Noah felt a great pain every time the blood dripped on his back, struggled to get his head up and look at the spot where he had made the cut.

And seeing that the cut was really quite superficial, Noah with a lot of focus, concentration and willpower used the knife in his hand to again attack the phoenix's throat, but this time he really managed to make a significant cut, this time it was a cut big enough to make the phoenix blood fall on your body like a small waterfall.

Then the moment all that blood touched his skin, Noah shouted "Aaaaaaaaaaaaah!" while he let the knife in his hand fall to the floor.

And even though he felt all that pain, Noah stayed in the meditation position and tried his best to concentrate, but even trying with all his strength, it was very difficult to concentrate in that situation since the blood that flowed through Noah's body, seemed more flames, powerful flames capable of reducing your body to nothing.

But after a few minutes, Noah had finally managed to concentrate enough to forget the pain at that moment, and focus only on meditation.

But that may not have been his best idea, as the moment Noah focused completely on meditation, an absurd amount of Qi started to get into his body quickly. Qi was coming in so fast that Noah wasn't giving him time to control everything, so little by little he was losing control.


Noah shouted as the Qi quickly entered his body.



[Large amounts of Qi rapidly entering the body of the Noah Evil individual!]

[Starting the Qi control help process!]









