I Just Want To Eat!

Sophia looked into the store through the window, and after seeing someone who would be a nuisance she said "… No, let's eat somewhere else. There are a lot of great places around here. " with a slightly forced smile on his face and trying to pull Noah elsewhere.

Noah was not understanding why that was and asked "Huh? But isn't that your favorite place? " while he stood in front of the store, even with Sophia trying to pull him.

She stopped trying to pull him and said "Yeah but ..." in a sad tone, while she held his hand and kept her head down.

Noah looked down at her and said, "There is no reason for you to be like this, and even if you are, I will help you with that, so don't worry." smiling as he pulled her into the store.

And when they passed the store door, everyone inside started to send serious looks in their direction, especially a man who was sitting on the second floor surrounded by women.

Noah looked around quickly observing all the people there and without caring about those looks, he continued walking hand in hand with Sophia into the store.

Sophia seemed to be afraid of something as she followed Noah with her head down and looked at the store floor.

"Ah, I found it!"

She exclaimed Noah as she walked quickly towards the first table she had seen since he entered the establishment.

"Hey kid, this table is occupied. Look for another one. "

Said a bald, middle-aged man who was sitting at the table next to the one Noah was going to.

"Huh? Seriously grandpa? But I don't see anyone sitting here. "

Said Noah as he continued walking forward, and pulled the chair from the table with his free hand.

Everyone in that place laughed at the man who had tried to show himself in front of the others, but he ended up being disrespected by a simple young man. With everyone laughing at him, the man began to feel humiliated and very ashamed, but even more irritated.

And with all this rage, while Noah told Sophia to sit in the chair he had already pulled, the man stood up abruptly and with hatred in his eyes, he took his fist quickly towards Noah's face.

"Look, uncle, I just want to eat with my friend, so don't make me do anything else. Also because I have been wanting to de-stress for a while, and if I start now, I may not be able to stop. "

Noah said while holding the man's fist with one of his hands, and looking straight into his eyes.

And when looking directly into Noah's eyes, the man felt that he was being swallowed by something extremely big and horrifying, something monstrous and not human, and that feeling he knew he would not forget for the rest of his life.

Seeing the terror in the man's eyes, but not understanding why, Noah just let go of his hand and sat in the chair next to Sophia's chair.

'… Who is this man really? What is your real identity? Where he came from? Or even, what is your real strength? I know that she is certainly beyond the strength of someone in the 5 stage of the tempered body… '

He thought Sophia was impressed with what Noah had just done.

Just after Noah let go of the man's hand, he fell on his knees on the floor and after a few seconds looking at nothing, even though he was totally in shock he ran past Noah and headed for the door without even looking back .

After that happened, all the laughter that used to echo throughout the establishment ceased. People who were once looking at Noah and Sophia, were now pretending they had never done that and just turned around, seeming to be focused on the conversation they were having before the two arrived, but in reality they were whispering things about that strange boy that none of them I've never seen before.

"What do you think that was about? Luck?"

"Luck? Do you really think it's possible for someone to hold a person's punch in the 3 stage of the tempered body, just with luck? "

"So you are telling me that that boy is stronger than that?"

"…I do not know, maybe?"

"You are crazy? If he really is stronger than that, he would be on a par with the greatest geniuses in our city. "

"... Are you right ... this is impossible ..."

While listening to those people saying all those things, a young man practically the same age as Noah, with red hair, and also with red clothes that were apparently much more expensive than those of the others present, whispered "… But what a bunch of idiots… "while watching everything that was happening from the table furthest from them, which is next to the counter.

"So, what do you eat when you come here?"

Noah asked smiling.

"… Zongzi and Gua Bao…"

Sophia replied.

'But these dishes are not ... '

"Okay, wait a minute and I'll go and ask."

She said Noah as he got up from the chair.

"Okay, but don't delay."

Whispered Sophia while holding the sleeve of Noah's shirt.

Seeing the way she was acting Noah thought 'How cute…' as she said, "It's going to be quick, and what's more, the counter isn't that far, so if anything happens you just need to call me." with a smile on your face.

Noah put his hand on Sophia's, and slowly made her release his sleeve, after Sophia released him Noah walked towards the counter while thinking "Who is this bastard who is watching me with such resentment?"

He looked around looking for the person as he went to the counter, but despite knowing that someone was watching him, it was impossible for Noah to know the direction of a single person since most people inside were doing basically the same.

Noah walked over to the counter looking closely at everyone who was there, just as he did before as he walked over to his desk, and after arriving at the counter Noah knew exactly how many people were in that place.

From the door to your table there were a total of 6 tables, three on each side and a small space between them for the person to be able to go to the counter, and on each of these tables there were a total of three people, thus totaling 18 people just at the entrance to the store. Most of the people at the entrance were acting normally, but Noah was annoyed by the group at the first table on the right side of the door.

It was a table that had only women, and these three were in total silence all the time, they haven't exchanged a single word since he got there, but what was bothering him the most was that since Noah entered the store with Sophia, those three women did not take their eyes off her.

Noah knew this was normal, everyone in there looked at her, after all who wouldn't look at such mesmerizing beauty? But that was beyond just enjoying her beauty, because even after they sat at the table, the women were focused on Sophia, not only them but a few more people.

To look for the other people who were focused on Sophia, Noah thought the easiest way would be to separate from her for a while and look at who were the people who were focused on her and not on him right now.

And so it was done, because when Noah went to the counter he realized that there were a total of 35 people in the back counting on him and Sophia, as it was more spacious in the back than in the front, there were six tables on one side and six tables on the another, and these tables were side by side in pairs, thus forming three pairs on each side.

In the background there was also a man who was in total silence, he was not looking at Noah and much less at Sophia, he was just sitting there at his table eating, and with this man Noah saw that he didn't have to worry.

As for the other twelve tables, there were six men in the pair of tables on the left, who, like the women at the entrance to the store, were too focused on Sophia.

After finding those who seemed to have the intention of doing something with Sophia, Noah now needed to find the person who was looking at him with hatred.

Noah placed the order at the counter and slowly turned to look for the person, and when looking briefly up Noah gave a small smile and whispered "I found you ..." while looking at a blond man with blue eyes, and in the clothes that Noah said who would never wear white, and apparently quite rich since he was alone on the second floor of the store.

And that man that Noah had never seen was looking so intently at Noah, that it seemed possible to see his anger coming out of his body in a strong red aura.

Noah gave a small smile as he turned to the counter and thought 'Interesting…'