Already Too Late!

As he waited for his food, Noah wondered why the man would have to keep staring at him like that, and the only reason he could find was Sophia. Noah had just arrived in the city, so it's impossible that he ever offended anyone, but from the many people who are looking at Sophia, it became clear to Noah that obviously the problem was that he was with her.

He didn't care so much about those people who were looking at Sophia since apparently they are just a little bit stronger than the previous man, but that man who was looking at him could be a little more complicated.

[A strong murderous intention is coming from a person in the 6 stage of the tempered body!]

'6 stage? This may be a good thing for me to test my strength. … But will Sophia be able to deal with those 9 who are watching her? '

Noah thought.

'… Well, anyway, I don't think this will become a big problem.'


Noah waited at the counter for almost twenty minutes, and after that time had passed, they brought his food and after paying with three blue crystals he walked back to his table with everything in his hands.

"I went back!"

Noah said in a happy tone as he smiled and placed the dishes on the table.

"Didn't you say you would be back soon?"

He spoke to Sophia without being as excited as Noah thought she would be because she was eating at his favorite place.

"It was not my fault, they took too long to deliver the food to me."

Noah replied as he sat down on the chair.

"... Here, see if it's good."

Noah said smiling, as he placed one of the dishes in front of Sophia's eyes.

She looked at him, and when she saw him smiling, she picked up the plate without even wanting to. And when Sophia first ate one of the dishes, a faint smile was seen on her face by Noah, and when she saw that smile he asked "So, is it okay?"

Embarrassed Sophia just nodded and continued to eat, seeing what Noah thought 'Really, smiling she looks a lot more beautiful.'

Noah suspected that she was acting weird like that because of those weird people who were looking at her, but he didn't want to start a mess inside that establishment and end up being seen as crazy by others, so the best way he saw to do that was to wait for those people to make the first move, and since it didn't look like it was going to happen there, Noah just ate quietly while looking at the small smiles that Sophia sometimes gave while eating.


"Aaah! … That was really good. "

Noah said shortly after he finished eating.

"It is not? And look, this is not even the best place in town. "

He spoke Sophia a little more cheerful and smiling than before.

Noah noticed that apparently over time, while eating Sophia, she forgot what had been bothering her since she entered the store, and seeing her so smiling Noah said "We can go eat in the best place in town if you want." while he rested his arm on the table, and his chin in his hand.

Sophia, like everyone else in there, was silent after they heard Noah say that, and he didn't understand why he whispered, "... Why were you all silent?"

After hearing him asking that Sophia remembered that he just arrived in the city, so he didn't know, she sighed and said "… Not everyone can eat in that place, there are even some big families that just dream of entering there. That's why everyone was so surprised at what you said. "

After Sophia explained this, everyone went back to the conversations they were having before normally, but Noah was still in doubt so he asked, "So are things expensive there? But guys how much? " because he wanted to know if it would be impossible to eat there, even with all that money he had found in the tunnel before.

Sophia had never gone to eat in that place, so it was impossible for him to know the price of things there, and when she was going to tell Noah that the man who was sitting at a table alone by the counter stood up and said "Every meal there costs 1 golden crystal. "

And after saying that, the man walked over to Noah's table and asked, "So, do you still think you can eat there?" with a smile on your face.

Noah thought hard trying to remember how many golden crystals were in the middle of his crystals, but even after thinking for a while he was unable to come up with an exact number, not least because in the pile most crystals were golden in color.

Seeing that Noah could not answer the man who was on the second floor of the store said "Obviously he can't even afford to pay for a plate from that place, look at his clothes, this guy is just some poor guy." while he burst out laughing.

Except Sophia that she was trying to catch Noah and run away, so he wouldn't pass for that humiliation, and the red-haired man who was standing next to Noah thinking 'What a bunch of idiots…', everyone in that place followed the example of the man who was on the second floor and started laughing at Noah.

After some time thinking Noah sighed and said "... I really can't do it."

"But it's also not like the difference in quality between foods is that high, so you don't have to worry about that."

Said Sophia trying to comfort Noah.

"What? No no no we are going to eat there, it is not that expensive no, I was thinking about something else but the crystal charged is this is not it? "

Noah asked as a golden crystal fell from the air, right in his palm.

When they saw that, everyone was silent, some dropped the plates in their hands, others dropped the glasses, and some even missed the place where their mouth was while they ate.

'Yeah, it looks like I wasn't wrong.'

Thought the red-haired man as he gave a small smile.

Sophia was happy that now people wouldn't be laughing at Noah, but when she glanced around and saw the way everyone was looking at them, she quickly took Noah's hand with the crystal and ran away getting him out of there.

"Do not wait…"

She spoke to the red-haired man as she extended her arm in the direction Noah was going.


After running to a small square, Noah stopped following her and asked, "Why did you do that?"

"You saw that those people were clearly having bad intentions after you showed the crystal, didn't you? So, let's go."

Sophia replied as she took Noah's hand again and walked away.

"Do not wait. This was really meant to happen, that was the plan. "

Noah said as he stopped again.

"What!? But what would you gain from that? "

Sophia asked as she turned and looked at Noah.

"Didn't you notice that someone was watching you before? So, these people certainly took advantage of this chance to do something against us, and when that happens we can take them and find out who is behind this. "

Noah replied explaining himself.

"Not really, this is too dangerous. We are leaving now! "

Exclaimed Sophia as she took Noah's hand and kept walking.

"… I'm sorry, but now it's too late…"