Chapter 31

After having closed the door and stepped back a little while thinking about why that young maid had acted in that strange way around her, Sophia turned slowly as she kept thinking about it and with the clothes delivered to her by the maid, Sophia found herself again embarrassed to turn around and see Noah's naked body in front of him.

And while she looked sheepishly at Noah's body, Sophia looked at her hands for a second and thought 'No, I'll have to ...' as she quickly turned around.

She was in a dilemma between doing this or not, in her head at that moment there was really just one thing '… Am I going to have to put on your clothes?' As she became more and more embarrassed as time went on.

'… No, I can just tell someone to do this ...' she thought after having spent a few minutes in reflection.

And when she already had her hands close to the bedroom door Sophia thought '... But if I do that ... the other person will also ...' as she slowly closed her left hand and slowly pushed it away from the door.

A few minutes had passed and Sophia was still undecided about what she should do, 'I should put the clothes on myself ... or would it be better to have someone else do it?' Sophia wondered.

Time passed and being behind the door Sophia heard someone saying "Okay, are you satisfied now?" while she was walking toward her.

And as those people approached Sophia realized upon hearing their voices more clearly, that those two coming for sure were her parents.

Now Sophia found herself without many choices since if her father knew that she was in there with Noah being naked all the time, probably not even her mother could help him. So now Sophia was caught between two options, she could try to stop her father from getting in there, something that would be almost impossible, or ...

Sophia took a small look back, and took a deep breath as she closed her eyes. And with the clothes in her hands she quickly put them on Noah, and to lessen her embarrassment Sophia decided to start putting them under, thus putting the pants on Noah first and then moving on to the blouse.

When she went to put the pants on him, Sophia first put the pants just a little above Noah's ankles, and then continued to climb up with her eyes closed, Sophia was out of time and Noah was unconscious, so she thought that he probably wouldn't feel anything she did, and with that thought Sophia hardly took any care in putting Noah's pants on, putting them on quickly.

And when she saw that no matter how hard she tried, the pants really weren't going up anymore, Sophia slowly opened her eyes and looked to see if everything was really right or if she made a mistake while putting on the pants, and in doing so she he saw that fortunately he had not made any mistake, not least because she would not have had time to fix it if she had.

To tell the truth Sophia was even surprised because the pants had been literally perfect on Noah, neither too wide nor too tight, neither too long nor too short, just perfect. She watched for a few seconds but then put the rest of the clothes back on, as she knew her parents were very close to the room.

Before putting on the blouse, Sophia tied the white sash around Noah's waist to prevent the pants from falling off when he got up, right after she did that she put the blouse on Noah, and doing it was a lot easier and faster than she expected.

And a few seconds after Sophia has finished putting on her shirt, she hears "Toc! Toc! Toc! "

"Why are you knocking on the door?"

"What do you mean why? Whether or not this is still our daughter's room. "

"Okay, okay, you don't have to be nervous about that."

Sophia walked slowly to the door, and as she walked she laughed at hearing her parents arguing for such a simple reason.

"…Why are you laughing?"

Mr. Radiance asked when he saw Sophia smiling when he opened the door.

"... it's nothing ..."

Sophia replied as she continued to laugh.

Mr. Radiance came into the room and whispered after having spent a bit of Sophia "You women, I don't understand, one hour crying and another hour smiling, a calm and another nervous hour for nothing (Sigh) Who created such complicated beings ? "

And while her father was complaining Sophia asked "(Laughter) What did you do to him?" while she held her mother's left arm.

"Me? Nothing much, I just made him change his clothes a few times (Laughter) "

She replied to her mother as she also started to laugh.

"See, one hour would be and the other smiling, what did I do to deserve this? … Tell me because I think I need a lot more… "

He whispered Sophia's father with a small smile as he looked at them both smiling.