Chapter 32

While laughing Sophia and her mother approached their father who was looking at Noah lying on the bed with a serious and surprised expression.

"... What happened, Daddy?"

Sophia asked when she noticed the strange expression on her father's face.

"Now that I look closely ... he ..."


Sophia's mother asked as she walked away from Sophia and approached her husband.

"This boy ... he evolved from the first time I saw him ..."

Said Mr Radiance with an expression of surprise and doubt.

"Huh? And what's in it? "

Asked Mrs. Radiance.

Neither Mrs. Radiance nor Sophia understood why he was so surprised and impressed by that, for them it was normal, since if someone trains, he will obviously move forward, right? At least, that was what the two thought.

"Don't you understand? … It was practically impossible for him to cultivate after receiving that attack. "

Sophia's father spoke.

After hearing that, just like Mr. Radiance, the two looked in amazement at Noah, frightened but without understanding why her father said that Sophia asked "Impossible? But why would it be impossible for him to cultivate? "

"(Sigh) That is not a common martial art, all the people who took an attack from a person who used it, never cultivated again, some were left with several bones of their body destroyed, because they are not strong enough to withstand impact, and that's exactly what happened to your friend, but that wasn't the real problem, nor is it as if the Dantian of these people had been destroyed or their veins ruptured… "

Said Sophia's father.

"… What is it then, why couldn't these people go back to farming?"

Sophia asked with an expression of fear on her face.

Sophia was stunned, she thought Noah would die from farming, but maybe that was really a better option.

"(Sigh) When we both met him, I said he couldn't speak, didn't I? And this is also one of the effects of the technique, the person who is affected by this technique is almost completely speechless, only a few distressing moans of pain, can be heard when the person who is affected is suffering, and these moans cause a huge pain in the victim, but it's not as if it were just that, in reality the biggest problem is how much pain the affected person can endure without moving, since if you have any injuries that are causing you a lot of pain and try to speak to express this, it will happen that if the pain of your injury is greater than the pain caused by moans, you probably will not feel any difference from one pain to the next, what will happen is that the pain you were already feeling will only increase a little bit. But (sigh) if the person moves, even if it is only a millimeter or absorbs Qi into his body, even if it is a super small amount, he will feel as great a pain as having his bones broken one by one. one slowly, and this is not because their bones were already broken, these are things that the technique causes even in people who keep their bodies in perfect condition after they receive it. "

Explained Sophia's father.

After hearing all that, small drops of tears started to run down Sophia's face as she brought her hands up to her mouth and looked at Noah's face, a face that was unyielding, his face was with an expression so calm it looked like he was feeling nothing at all.

And while Sophia was crying, her mother hugged her and gave her a light kiss on the forehead, and shortly after doing so she asked "But after he stopped absorbing Qi the pain was gone, right?" trying to find a way to make your daughter at least a little bit relieved.

After slowly shaking his head sideways, Mr. Radiance said, "When a person who has been hit by the technique starts to absorb Qi into their body, they can't stop anymore, after that absorption is basically involuntary, and the speed is only goes on feeding, the speed with which the Qi enters the person's body will grow to the point where he can no longer control it, and will end up destroying himself from the inside out. "

"You ... you didn't help at all!"

Mrs. Radiance whispered as she looked angrily at her husband.

"Huh? What have I done? I just answered your question, so why are you nervous now? "

She whispered to Mr. Radiance without understanding why she said that.

"My question? You… look at the state in which you left my daughter! "

"What I!? But I just told the truth. "

"So you never heard that the truth is not always the best option !?"

"What, but of course not! Wouldn't that be the same thing as lying? "

"Lying? Of course not! This is called psychological protection. "

"Protection ... it doesn't even exist!"

"What? Of course it exists, my father and my mother they never lied to me. "

"Oh and who taught you that?"


"Didn't you see that ..."

"Stop, be quiet!"

"What? Why do you… "