Chapter 33

Several strong points of light, that was what Noah was seeing as he slowly opened his eyes, and around him he heard small words, with different tones and voices, and while listening to those voices Noah realized that this was clearly an argument, but it was not it was even a fight, and he wondered why those people were talking so softly.

'… Where am I, I wasn't at Sophia's? So what are these people, whispering by my side? '

Noah was not so well, all his senses were strange, his vision was horrible, she was so bad that he could only see blurred spots, now that his eyes were open, and his hearing was not any better, since they that the people next to him were really whispering, if it were before he could easily hear them, even if he didn't want to, but now for some reason everything is very different.

He was not able to hear everything that those people were saying, the first thing Noah heard was someone saying "Lying? Of course! This ... psychological protection. " and then another one saying "Protection ... that ... exists!"

Noah was not quite understanding what those people were talking about, but he decided to just stand there, waiting for his eyes and ears to return to normal, and it was also not like he had any choice, since after hearing those strange voices Noah he tried to move his right arm a little, but as expected, all that happened was that he felt pain when trying to do this.

However, Noah realized that the pain was not the same as before, this pain now was much weaker and let's say it was more bearable too, he did not understand the reason for that, but while thinking about it he heard "Stop, be quiet!" much more clearly than before, and after hearing this he thought 'Ah, so it was the mother-in-law! So the other one must be… '

"What? Why do you… "

After hearing the two speaking in a clearer way, Noah understood that he was still at Sophia's house, but in his mind went 'So where is she? ...' since he clearly heard the voices of his father and mother of hers, but Sophia's voice had not yet been heard by him.

And now not even the voices from before he was listening, after hearing those last two sentences Noah heard nothing more, a sudden silence was what was left, but next to that silence also came a shadow that ended the points of light to which Noah was seeing, and with that what was left for him was the blurred vision, but with that vision he was able to see more or less than that face on top of him, it was the face of a man since apparently there was a small beard on his face .

"Hey, get off me, I don't like these things, no!"

Noah shouted.

"But how is that possible ... he was not supposed to be able to speak."

Said Mr Radiance with an expression of surprise as he walked away from Noah a little.

"(Crying) Noah! (Cry…)"

Exclaimed Sophia as she jumped on him.


Sophia's mother said, surprised to see what her daughter did.

"Hey, it's ..."

Noah would say it was hurting Sophia to get off him, but when he felt the tears dripping down his face, he was silent and surprised as he thought 'We haven't even known each other for that long ... so why are you crying so much by me? … Guilt, maybe? Or…'

"Can you guys leave us alone for a moment?"

Noah asked.

"Oh sure of course we are already going."

Said Sophia's mother with a smile on her face as she pulled on her husband's left arm.

"What but I ..."

"Hurry up!"

He whispered Sophia's mother as she continued to pull him.

Mr. Radiance is unable to say no to his wife, and even though he didn't want to leave, he ended up following her.

"… Sophia, hey Sophia, you have to let me go now…"

Noah said after the two left the room.

"(Cry) No, I'm not going out… (Cry)"

'How is it that you are a woman, you are hurting me wise ... '

"… But it really hurts, because I still have practically all my bones broken…"

Noah spoke.

"(Cry)… Wait a minute then… (Cry)"

'Wait? For the love of…'



Some minutes later


"… Okay, I'll be leaving you…"

"…What do you want? Do you want me to leave you alone? "

Sophia asked as she wiped away her tears after she had already moved away from Noah.

"Alone, what ... no."




"… Well, I need you to help me with something."

"One thing ... with what?"

"... First, do you promise me that you won't tell this to anyone, not even your parents, for now?"

"... I never did that before but ... I think I can do it, if it is for a while."

"But what would that thing be? And why is it so important? "

'Important? I don't know if this is so important in this world, but following the rules of my world, anyone would like to have a system that can help you to get stronger, so I think it's best to keep it a secret as much as possible, at least for now. And this can also serve as a test, since it will be the only one besides me that will know about the existence of the system, so if that information is for someone else ... I hope that this does not happen. '