Chapter 46

In a very busy street, with several people coming and going all the time, Sophia for just a moment, glanced sideways and inside a dark alley, she saw her cousin, Guang Ai, kissing Chen Shiao, the infamous young master of the Chen family.

Sophia was surprised to see that, not because of the kiss itself, but because not long ago, she had already seen Ai kissing also Heng Tai, the young master of the Heng family.

Sophia did not understand why her cousin did that, but she also didn't care, not least because apart from the blood ties, nothing else united the two. And knowing that Sophia just looked ahead, and continued normally to head towards her home.

However, what Sophia didn't know, was that it did have a reason. Since she was young, Ai has always found herself being compared to her cousin Sophia by her parents, but mainly by her father, she did not understand why, why did her appearance always have to be compared to Sophia's? Why did her intelligence always have to be compared to Sophia's? Even in cultivation, why?

Ai hated it, she hated being always compared to someone else, because nothing she did was good enough to please her parents. But at the moment when Sophia suffered a huge fall, a great reduction in the efficiency of her cultivation, Ai saw there a chance to take the spotlight, and for the first time, to stand in front of her cousin.

She was already known to practically everyone in the city, because even though she is not as beautiful as Sophia, at 12 years old, she was beautiful enough to stand out even though she was among the other girls in the city, different from her cousin, yours. hair was normal and completely black, but what really caught the attention of anyone in it, were your eyes, totally black eyes, which when directed at you, it seems to be seeing inside your soul.

And that was not the only thing that caught her attention, because like Sophia, she also showed her genius by reaching the first stage of her tempered body at the age of 9. Everyone was impressed, but just that, nobody really cared, and her father still scolded her, for not being able to reach that level before.

Time passed and, three years later, everyone forgot about her almost completely, not least because Sophia, the girl genius had just reached the second stage of the tempered body, and everyone's attention was turned to her.

And seeing that Ai was more irritated than ever 'I reached that level a year ago, but nobody talked about it. So why when it is her, does everyone comment and care? 'Thought Ai sad.

Then after that day, Ai said to herself that if she cannot steal attention, then she would steal happiness. And with that in mind, she, at the age of 12, began to "steal" any boy who at least appeared to like Sophia.

But her plan didn't seem to be working very well, with Sophia seemingly happier with each passing day, it looked like she didn't even care about those boys.

And that was true. At least, so far.