Chapter 47

With a strange smile on his face, as he slowly took his hand in the direction of Noah Ai thought "Will it now finally be the right guy?"

However, something very strange happened when Ai was almost touching the unknown man, who was lying in bed. His body froze, Ai couldn't even move a muscle in his body 'But what…'

Suddenly a terrifying pressure was put on Ai, his heart accelerated, her mind was in complete confusion, and when looking at the bed, only fear was what was left.

With his eyes now open, and shining in two vibrant colors, that man seemed to be looking inside Ai, and seeing his soul completely.

"Don't you dare, human." said the man, in a strange voice, it even sounded like a double voice as he held Ai's wrist tightly.

And in that moment the fear took complete control over her, her whole body started to shake, but in one thing she paid attention while she was shaking, there was constantly something like smoke coming out of that man's arm, and the more smoke comes out, the stronger he held his wrist and his hand got warmer.

With an aura greater than that of the elders of his sect, and eyes shining in a strong red and blue, only one thing passed through Ai's head at that moment 'But what kind of monster is this !?'

The man didn't seem to be much older than she, apparently he was 3 years old at the most, just like her cousin 'So how can the difference be so huge!?' Thought Ai.

Even though she was only exposed to that pressure for a few seconds, Ai was beginning to feel pain through her body, and with that on her knees she fell. Something very strange was happening, it was not only on her wrist where the man was holding, but her entire body that she felt an intense heat, it was almost as if her entire body was on fire inside.

And while she felt pain all over her body, she worked hard and managed to look at the man, and what she saw was that there was a lot of that smoke coming out of his body.

Ai was startled, and when she realized that the pressure was much less than before, she struggled and pulled her arm with all her strength, thus managing to get out of that man's hands. And just after she managed to get free, she quickly got up and ran out of that room "Arf! Arf! Arf! "

'What was this!?'

"Ufa! I finally found you… hey are you okay?… "Sophia asked as she tried not to look out of breath, even after she had hurried over there.

"Ah yes of course I'm fine ... but I think I'm actually a little tired, so we'll talk later." said Ai as she smiled and walked away.

"... So it's right ..."

'What happened to her, wasn't she the one who was looking for me? ... Did she ... 'Sophia thought as she turned and looked at the closed bedroom door.