Chapter 66

As he took his hand away from his eyes, Noah saw a gigantic being with its huge red eyes, standing right in front of him, and fell backwards to the ground. After he fell, Noah was trying to get away from that grotesque being at all costs.

But that wasn't doing much good, as the further away Noah went, the bigger this being seemed. And as he basically crawled away from it, Noah seemed to have forgotten about that weird light in the sky. But that didn't last long, as an even more intense light came from behind him, and looking back by reflection he understood oh why the light is so much stronger now.

For even though it didn't seem like it, Noah had already gotten far enough away from that huge being he'd been scared of, and now he was very close to the light. And when he looked back for a moment, Noah realized that whoever was emitting that light was actually the phoenix, and he also noticed that as he approached the phoenix, his vision got strangely better, now not being affected by that light.

Then he got up, and after thinking for a few seconds, taking a deep breath, Noah calmed down a little. And just after he had done that, being now a little calmer, he turned around slowly, and saw that his deduction was right. But now he had another doubt in his mind 'What the fuck! …Where the fuck am I?…'

That being that he had been scared of earlier, was actually the semi dragon that had a small part of its body wrapped around. But it was strange, because despite having that strong light that was being emitted by the phoenix, it seemed that it did not get very close to the snake, leaving it, almost entirely in darkness.

And seeing that, Noah didn't understand what was happening, he was confused, and practically every moment he wondered where that place was. But that wasn't working. For if he had no idea where he was, what was the point of asking himself? It's not like the answer would randomly pop into your mind.

So while he thought about where he was, Noah forgot what was going on around him for a few moments, including the light, which now didn't bother him so much. Already the serpent remained coiled as before, and hiding its head from the small amount of light that was on its huge body.

And the phoenix, well… the phoenix continued to fly over that spot, while emitting that intense glow, but that didn't last for long. After a few minutes, the phoenix practically went out. There was no longer the intense glow, and not even the great flames around her body. And when it went out, the whole place, which before was being lit by it, was now pitch black.

Then, when darkness engulfed the place, the serpent that had previously remained completely still, raised its head and stared at the phoenix, which now had only a small pinpoint of light in its body, being practically almost overlapped by the darkness around you.

And Noah, who was totally focused on his thoughts, realized what had happened only when he glanced to the side, and saw that there was no longer any light in that place. He quickly looked up as he tried to find the phoenix in all that darkness, and after searching for a bit he finally found it.

A huge bird with a small glow, that's just what Noah was seeing, as it looked like all the phoenix glow was gone, but not quite what had happened. For, after a few minutes had passed in all that darkness, the serpent saw a small blue glow coming out of the phoenix's claws, and with each passing instant that glow grew stronger and stronger.

And for some reason, after seeing that, the snake quickly looked around, while it seemed to be looking for something. And after a few glances around, her eyes used to the darkness thanks to her old home, she quickly walked in the direction Noah was standing and curled a large part of her body around him without leaving a single breach.

Noah obviously didn't see what happened, as even though the snake's tunnel was dark, it was nothing compared to where he is now. However, even though he didn't see what happened, he clearly heard that something gigantic made a huge movement around him.

And on hearing that, Noah reflexively tried to take a few steps back, but on his second step he felt something behind him. 'It's not possible… Not again…' thought Noah.

After feeling that and realizing that it was clearly the snake behind him, Noah stopped for a moment and then slowly started walking forward, but that didn't work either. Because after having taken three steps he realized that it was impossible to pass that way either.

Noah started to get impatient, after realizing he was trapped, and as he punched the snake he yelled "Hey! Let me out soon, shit!"


"Damn it! It was obvious she wouldn't feel anything…"

"Shit!" exclaimed Noah as he gave the snake one last punch.

And after that punch, the serpent moved a little, thus opening a small breach, and through that breach was passing a small ray of blue light, and with that ray also came an excruciating cold.

"…What the fuck is going on here…" said Noah, having felt the sudden drop in temperature.