Chapter 67

"…Love! Daughter!" shouted Arthur, as he got up and ran out of the room, and went through a small hallway, with two guards on the floor, after realizing that the pressure was gone.

And while Arthur ran out of the room, the two elders stayed there, sitting on the floor, and showing their fear, in their eyes and in their expressions.

Arthur was clearly concerned about the two and only most important people in his life, but he couldn't go to both of them at the same time, and his senses clearly demonstrated that they weren't in close proximity to each other. But he trusts his daughter, and he knows she'll be fine, not least because if nothing happened to any of them while they were immobile thanks to that pressure, it was highly unlikely that anything would happen now that they're all free.

And unlike Sophia, in the state she's in, Alice couldn't really take care of herself, and Arthur feared something might have happened, so he decided to go to his wife first.

"Love!!" shouted Arthur, as he opened his bedroom door quickly.

And after entering the room, he immediately looked around for Alice, and upon seeing her unconscious on the floor, Arthur ran to her and, as he gently lifted his head, he quietly repeated over and over "Love... love..." with his tears running down his face and dripping onto hers.


"What was that all about?..." said Sophia, as she got up and cleaned her clothes.

Then, after she'd finished dusting her clothes, Sophia looked back in the direction she'd heard a strange falling noise before. And when she looked back and saw a still body on the ground, she was clearly surprised and worried about that person.

Sophia walked over to that body and as she crouched down she asked "…Hey… are you okay?"

A few moments passed and she received no response, and as before the body remained motionless. So, after all that silence, Sophia shook her body a little and said "Hey…"

However, again she did not receive an answer. Sophia then took a deep breath, sighed and turned the body in front of her. And seeing that it was just a boy, and apparently a little younger than she was, and that there was a small knife stuck in her stomach, Sophia put her hand over her mouth, and ran out of that place.

Then, a few minutes later Sophia returned with two guards, one with black hair and eyes, and the other blond with black eyes.

"What do you need?" asked the blond guard.

"Come on, look at this from here, and let me know if you can help him or not. Because I don't know what to do." said Sophia, as she pointed at the boy's body.

"Yes ma'am." both guards replied.

The blonde crouched down, and after having looked at the knife for a few seconds, he said "I can help you miss."

"Serious? Then…"

"But first I'll need one…" he looked at the boy's clothes, and seeing the little blue scarf around his waist, the guard continued, "No, now I have everything I needed."

He took the handkerchief from the boy's waist, and then immediately withdrew the knife. "...Are you sure it's going to be okay?" Sophia asked, surprised at the way the guard just plucked the knife from the boy's stomach.

"Of course, miss." replied the guard. He tore a small part of the cloth, and pressed it against the boy's wound. "Hold it here." He said.

Hearing him, the other guard quickly crouched down and pressed the boy's wound into place. Then he took the remaining cloth and wrapped it around the boy, where the wound was.

"Ready. Do you want something more?."

"...Are you sure he's going to be okay?"

"Of course. He should wake up in some time. Now how long it will take I don't know, as it could only be a few hours, or even days."

"And I'm sorry for my rudeness, but might I know why you want to help this boy so much? …Is he by any chance a friend of yours?"

"No… to tell you the truth I don't even know who he is… but why should I not help him for this?"

"No, I asked just out of curiosity, so please don't mind so much."

"...Okay, could you guys put him in some room that's free for me?"

"Yes ma'am." replied the two guards.