Chapter 84

Minutes earlier, after Noah disappeared into thin air, the phoenix raised its wing behind the serpent's head, and after hitting it exclaimed "Are you going crazy?!"

"I already told you to stop it! And why are you saying this to me?!"

"Why didn't you accept the deal the first time? What would you do if he gave up on doing it?"

"What do you mean by that? He would never do that. After all, he needs our permission to…"

"Not you idiot! He doesn't need our permission for anything. We are the ones inside his body. We who need authorization. He controls everything in this place, even the two of us. I thought you realized that when you tried to attack him. So what would you do if he had dropped the deal?"

"...Next time, make sure you don't try to put conditions on something you don't even have control of..."


As he walked through the forest with Ting, Noah smiled and asked "So how do you feel after being abandoned by your uncle?"

"He didn't abandon me. Just went to research something…"

"I see…" he stopped for a moment, turned and looked at her, who was following a few steps away. "But why are you so far away girl? (Small smile) Or rather, princess. …Are you by any chance afraid of something?"

Afraid she stopped walking, and after thinking for a bit, she replied "…I don't want to upset you. Because as you said before, if I do that you will leave me behind…"

"I get it, but know that what you're doing is worse."

"…And why is that?"

He turned around and continued to move forward, "With you walking like that, it makes me feel like I'm being followed by someone. And I hate to feel it, so…"

"Okay okay, I'll come closer, so stay calm..." Even though she was afraid she approached him slowly, and started walking beside her "Do you happen to know where you're going?"

"Not exactly, because I've never been here before."

"So isn't it better that we go back? What if some beast shows up in this place?"

"You don't need to worry about that, because the beasts haven't returned here yet..."


[Several demonic beasts are quickly approaching this location!]

'What the hell! Oh goddamn mouth I have…" He looked again at the system map. "Why aren't these disgraces shown on the damn map?!?

'What a system…'

Noah took Ting's hand, and as he ran to the opposite side he was going before he exclaimed "Damn it, run!"

"What?! But because…" she didn't understand why he was doing this. But having her arm pulled by Noah, she didn't have much choice but to do as she was told.

The two ran for a few minutes, but after that time Ting ended up getting tired. And as her breathing grew heavier and heavier, she realized that she was practically no longer running with Noah. But yes, being technically dragged by him, into that vast forest where they both met.

I can't stand to go on like that anymore. And with her breathing already completely out of control, she tried to say "Wait… please just a little…" asking Noah to stop running. But her voice was so low, he couldn't hear a damn thing she said.

So Noah only realized how tired she was when Ting lost all the strength left in her legs and fell to the ground.

"Hey! What the fuck are you doing?!" he pulled her arm "Hurry up! We need to get out…"

Noah looked back, and when he saw her slumped to the ground, panting as she tried to catch her breath, for a moment he stopped and thought about waiting a bit. But it wasn't like they had time for this…


[Many demonic beasts are approaching!]


"Hey, come on, we gotta get out of here now..."

"Sorry… Arf! Arf! I don't… Arf! With you… Arf! Arf!..."

"Damn it!" Noah looked in the direction of the city, and it was still a little far away, but he could already see her. Then afterward he looked in the direction the beasts were coming, and you could see the dust, distant but fast approaching them.

And determined to keep her eyes closed, so she wouldn't have to see what her end would be like. Because Ting was absolutely certain that now she would be left behind. Because she herself knew, that if she were in the same situation as he is. It would be very likely that she would make the same choice Noah was about to make.

However, to her surprise, Ting felt her body suddenly being lifted. And slowly opening her eyes, as she felt the wind blowing hard in her face. Even a little embarrassed, she looked up, 'I didn't think you… So why…'

As she ran with Ting in her arms. Thanks to your heightened senses and skill gained from cultivating, an ability that only makes you able to feel the IQ around you. Noah felt a attack that came quickly in his direction, and even if just barely, he was able to dodge it by moving his head to the side.

And the attack he had managed to dodge, was a small ball of fire, which was able to knock down the tree he hit.

'…That was almost…'

He continued to move forward while paying close attention to his surroundings. Even because, in case he received an attack like that, in full. If it didn't kill him, it would probably leave him as bruised as his first fight in this world.