Chapter 85

"Shit shit SHIT!" He looked to the side, and was startled, because at that moment, two fireballs were passing right next to his head. "Why are these bastards so agitated now?!"

Unlike before, which apparently only one of the beasts was attacking. Now Noah found himself literally surrounded by many equally dangerous fireballs.

But something seemed to be off. Because with so many attacks coming his way at once, it would be very difficult for Noah to dodge them all. And since he was carrying Ting at the time, you could say that it would be practically impossible. So why did none of these attacks seem to be intended to hit him?

'What are they…' looking intently ahead of him "But it's not that these bastards are really smart…"

Looking forward intently for a few moments, Noah finally understood what was going on. 'So you mean I was never really the target…'

The attacks that constantly came towards him were never really intended to hit him. For as he looked ahead, he realized that apparently the beast's aim was actually to block his way into the city. And for that they had cut down all the trees that were in front of Noah.

Then, when the last fireball passed by Noah, and after a few seconds, the last tree in front of him fell. The aim of the demonic beasts had apparently been completed.

"Those bastards are really thinking they've made it, aren't they…" A smirk appeared on his face. "As if this would be so easy…"

"Send her to me…" he muttered.

Sword of Blood suddenly appeared in the air. And when she started to fall, Noah paused for a moment as he let go of Ting's legs and held only her waist. 'What will he do…'

He caught the sword as he fell. And with a smile on his face he exclaimed "Kill them!" as he hurled the sword towards all those demonic beasts.

'What? What did he mean by that?" Thoughtfully, she looked at the direction Noah had thrown the sword.

"Are you able to walk yet?"

"Huh? Ah yes…"

Ting tried to stand up on her own, but different from what she'd thought. Apparently she couldn't do it, as when she tried, she almost fell to the ground.

"Hey, what the hell are you doing?!" exclaimed Noah as he grabbed her waist again.

"…Sorry, looks like I didn't…"

"Oh shit…" he walked with her to a place near the stand of fallen trees "Wait a minute…"

She didn't understand what was going on there. 'Why is he leaving me sitting here?''Why is he so calm?''By any chance, now he intends to use me as bait, so he can escape?…'

Her thoughts were in chaos. But when she heard the high, shrill scream that came from the direction the beasts were standing, Ting finally understood why Noah was so calm, even in this situation.

It was weird. From the intense dust, where were the beasts that once attacked them incessantly with fireballs. Now Ting could hear only the various screams, which kept coming from there.

'How is he… No, its impossible that he estejas doing that, even more from this distance. So, as?…'

And while she was so worried about it. Noah was strangely calm as he walked slowly closer to the fallen trees.

'Hmm let's see, did she say it would be practically instinctual?' He placed his hands on the trunk of the nearest tree '…Nothing… I can't feel anything…'

Annoyed that he hadn't made it, he punched the trunk, and confusedly stared at the hole he had made in doing that.

'So what it is? …Anger? But if I have to be nervous whenever I use this, it would be at the very least… irritating…'

'But why not do it a little differently?…'

Noah closed his eyes, and placed his hands on the trunk again. He took a deep breath and, as he sighed, concentrated as much as he could, with all those screams that continued to come from the beasts.

'…Come on, this wasn't supposed to be that hard… You should be a master at controlling emotions, thanks to those two… Those two…'

Trying to control his emotions didn't seem to be working the way he wanted. But in the midst of it Noah had another idea 'What if? I have to be annoyed, right? So what would make me more angry than remembering those days?

Again he took a deep breath, and continued muttering "So come on...remember, just remember..."

"What's he doing?…" Ting thought, as she looked at Noah, totally confused.

Even though he was a little afraid of his own plan, Noah stopped thinking for a few seconds and concentrated completely on remembering. Recall the worst and most painful memories of your past. that was your plan, to then be able to use the powers of the phoenix and the serpent.

And so it happened. The memories began to flash through Noah's mind like strange flashes. Flashes that seemed to cause him great pain each time they changed.

'Is that… Is he crying? …What happened to him?

Despite the huge price to be paid, Noah's dubious plan actually worked. By recalling his most painful memories and thus generating an emotion strong enough to compare with his anger, he really managed to use the phoenix's flames.

However, the emotion he felt as he remembered those painful moments was far from being anger, rage or any of the feelings he thought he would feel. It was much more like a deep and deep sadness.

An anguish that ached in his heart, causing something he never imagined would happen. That great bitterness made Noah shed tears, realizing that despite everything those people had done to him. Even though he didn't want to admit it to himself, deep down he knew that those people he missed were strangely. Although he doesn't want to demonstrate or accept that fact.