The conspiracy 3

Rosie asked what was happening from one of the girls. The lady narrated what had happened to Rosie, she stood up and walked to where ethedred stood. " Ethedred dear, I heard what happened to you, so have you found who stole it" she feigned ignorance asking if the stolen item had been retrieved knowing fully well it hasn't been found talkless of finding the culprit.

Ethedred eyes narrowed and scoffed when she had what Rosie said. She knew she was only mocking her. " We wouldn't be here if I've found it, would we?" She answered Rosie glaring at her.

" Oh dear," she gasped covering her mouth with her hand." I didn't know." She added. Ethedred rolled her eyes and and facepalmed herself. She walked away from Rosie and started pacing the room, she was never finding it anyway, she decided to give up.

Someone came up and and cleared her throat which got everyone's attention. "Can I say something?" She asked lowering her head, Rosie rolled her eyes and said. " Why are you here uhh, just go away."

She turned to face the rest offering them a smile and said. " Don't mind her, she likes puking her nose in matters that doesn't concern her." Ethedred turned to look at the maid who was hushed by Rosie.

" No leave her," she told Rosie and continued" what is your name?" She asked the maid who raised her head to reply her. " Beth." She replied

" So what do you want to say?" Rosie smiled internally, her plans was going just the way she wanted it.

" I think I might know who took your jewellery." The moment she said this all eyes fell on her. Ethedred quickly walked to were Beth stood and asked. " You do?" Beth nodded her head. Rosie stood up and walked towards Beth saying." And you didn't tell anyone, not even me, do you Know how much trouble your silence has caused us." Ethedred stopped her before she could reach where Beth was. Placing her hands between them she asked. " So who took it." Everyone was curious to hear whose name the maid would call.

" Well few days ago, as I leaving miss Rosie's room, I saw miss Olivia sneaking out of of your room." Ethedred gasped hearing this. Rosie scoffed. " I knew that girl wasn't to be trusted from the moment I set my eyes on her." Ethedred found it hard to believe she then asked the maid to continue speaking. " I didn't know what she was during around your quarters and she was acting suspiciously so I got curious and I followed her till she started walking out of the stronghold. The she went into the village, I met a maid in the village, I told her what happened and she also followed me. We watched her as she walked into a jeweller's shop. When she was done, she walked back into the village. We couldn't follow her because we were there for so long so we went back." Ethedred hummed, " Are you sure?" She asked the maid who noodded her head. " But I thought she was the Chief's mistress, how could she steal from us?"

" Exactly, why steal when she can have whatever she desires,I find that hard to believe." Selene, Ethedred's friend spoke for the first time.

Rosie chuckled and held her hands on her hips, she began. " Don't be fooled by her deceptive appearance, I mean what do you expect from a street whippet," she walked around, until she reached her favorite spot and sat, facing them she continued. "That's what girls like her do to survive, stealing, pickpocketing. It's already a part of them,." Her ocean blue eyes brighten as she looked at them. "What can I say? Bad habits die hard. They put on a facade,you fall for it and then they stab you at the back." She shook her head in pity.

" But I must say am so disappointed, at least she should have just asked " she continued to shake her head as she reiterated what Selene had said earlier. She made sure that all she said could convince them into believing her.

She smirked as she noticed them giving thoughts to what she had Said. Soon that little leech will be out of here. She signed and started. " What should we do now."

" Let's go get that little thieve." Everyone of them agreed to it. If she steals from Ethedred today and she goes scot-free, she will continue to do so and who wanted a thiefing bitch amongst them . They started leaving the common hall heading towards the library she normally sit in.

Ethedred turned to beth, " can you also bring the maid that you said was with you that day." Beth replied her. " Yes miss."

Perfect, things were going as planned, she watched the girl as they match up to where she was. Once they get their hands on her, it's either she gets hung or sent out of the stronghold which everyone knows has never happened.

Rosie stayed away after she had instigated what she had in mind. Now it was time to let the girls do their part.

Meanwhile Olivia Sat by the window side, she watched the beautiful scenery before her, the weather was cool, the close covered the sky preventing the sun from being seen.water splashing out of the river,the leaves moved in same rethe.... as the cool breeze blew them. The mountains stood firm like a strong fortress, so high you would think it reached the sky.

She stood up from the window when she heard loud nolse around the hallway, she got curious so she went out to see what caused the noise. She opened the door and peeped out.

"Look at her, that little pincher. Grab her!" Some one shouted

,they drew her out and started shouting at her.

They hit her drew her up and down, she asked they what she did but they shouted at her. She told them it was a misunderstanding. " You've got the wrong person, I didn't take anything." Olivia pleaded with them but it turned into deaf hear.

" Thief!! We didn't get anything wrong, aren't you ashamed. Trying to deny it when they have evidence against you. You took it and that's final." They pushed her and circled her making sure she had no where to run to.

Ethedred who watched how the fourgirls were busy grabbing her hair whenever she struggles to run away.

Olivia squirmed as she felt the excruciating pain on her scarp. One of the girls pulled her hair so hard, she thought they would all fall off. She shot her eyes tight, years threatening to spill from her eyes,as she fought the urge to cry. she struggled with all the strength she hard but they were too strong for her. She begged them, but none of them listened. Olivia

" Stop! please stop!! Stop it." She shouted but the girls didn't,she facepalmed herself and watched as the girls continued their assualt. It wasn't that anyone of them cared about her missing jewellery, they were just during it for their selfish reasons.

General Vegan passed through the opposite direction he could bring himself to leave from the house he heard, the girls screaming at the top of their voice. He got irritated just by hearing their voice.

" What is the cause of this rackus." He stroded into the corridor, he looked at the wenches in front of him with disgust. He lips twitched and walked closer.

Olivia breathing slowly and deeply to ease the pain. She crawled far away from the girl that held her hair aggressively.she slowly sat on the floor, tucking her hair at the back of her ear.

Vegan eyes scanned the girls in front of him until his eyes fell on the chiefs mistress, who sat on the floor breathing heavily as if her life depended on it.

" What happened here." He asked them

" Mi lord , she stole jewelleries from one of us." Amelia said pointing a finger at Olivia.

His eyes drew together and he scrunched his nose at what he heard.

" What!!"

He looked at Olivia again,he wasn't surprised if she did it. He turned and asked one of the if they they were sure.

" Yes mi lord," they brought out Beth and the other maid. The girls testied against her once again.

Rosie who was far away watch the event as it unfold in front of her. All her problems were about to come to an end. Once the general passes his judgement, game over. She chuckled as she watched vagan, waiting for him to sentence her to her death.

Olivia lifted her head up to see the person in front of them. Feeling the chilling aura coming from the general, she gulped when she saw the scar on his face, running from his left eyes to his chin. It still didn't hide his prominent features. Thick shiny brown hair,combed back to reveal his smokey grey eyes, handsome enen with the scar evident on his face. Raising his chin up, furrowimg his brows a scary auru emerged from him. Olivia gulped and crawled farther away from him.