The court 1

Olivia breathing became intense as she waited anxiously for the general to speak, how could she end up like this. Without a proper trial. She was Setup, and now going to face punishment. This isn't fair, life wasn't fair.

" Hmmm, I won't be the judge of this." He said his face barely showed any emotions.

What!! What did he mean by that that. Rosie cursed him silently. She walked out from where she was hiding and came to stand near Ethedred.

" Why mi lord?" One of the girls whose name was Daphne asked shocked.

" I do not owe you an explanation for my actions." He gave her a cold reply. There was no change in his demeanor, It was obvious the girls were nervous under his scrutiny.

Amelia and the girls quickly apologized for their rudeness.He turned to the direction he was coming from. Not looking back he said. " Follow me." And he began to walk in the direction of the court room.

Rosie knew he didn't judge her right there because she was the chiefs woman. She took a peep at Olivia who was almost dragged but slapped the girl's Amelia hand and stood. She knew the little leech would plead for mercy and ask for a fair trial. She came prepared so no matter what happens, she will never take the fall.

Ronan was in the court room, his countenance stoic and impaassive as he watched the man in front of him. The man, facing the floor,his eyes were swollen, bloody spits drooling from his slack jaws,hair dishevelled, different cuts and congealed blood marred his face. Bruises covered his body which had started to show patches of purple. His clothes torn and stained with blood. He groaned in pain as the soidier standing behind had hit him countless times.

The man was guilty of numerous misdeeds. He later confessed after been tortured countless times.

" Take him to the gallows." Ronan gave his judgement, the soldier near the man started to drag the man out. Mustering all the strength left in him, the man flung his body in front of Ronan.

" Mi lord, I beg of you, give me a second chance, I promise-----" Two soldiers ran, held him down and started to drag the man out of the room. His voice violently echoing in the room as he continued to beg for his life.

General Vegan walked towards Ronan , when he got to him, he bowed and whispered something into his ears. Ronan eyes widened when he had what the general had said but his stoic expression took over his face once again. He nodded his head and ordered general Vegan to bring them in.

General Vegan signaled for the guard stationed at the door to open it and Olivia and the others walked in.

Niall who hadn't said anything since he had entered the court room said. " Well well well, what do we have here." A gentle smile laced his lips as he watched Olivia accompanied by a group of girls walked into the court room.

Olivia walked into the room, her heart pounding loudly in her chest as she walked towards the last person she wanted to see. What had started as a pleasant day has turned to nothing but a chaotic day.

General vegan came up and started to speak. He explained everything that had transpired between the girl's in the hall way.

" Hmmm." Ronan hummed as he heard what the general had said. He called out Ethedred out.

" Tell me, is it true your jewelleries were found missing, when, where and when did you speak out." He sat on his throne like chair as he bombarded her with many questions. Ethedred curtsied and started. " Mi lord, it's true some of my jewelleries are missing, the jewelleries are always in my room. And i noticed they went missing three days ago. I searched my quarters but I couldn't find them. I spoke out and the maid named Beth said she knew who took it."

He brow drew together as he head this. " Is that so."

" Yes mi lord " she replied immediately.

" Then where is this maid." Beth quickly walked out when the chief asked for presence. " Mi lord." she curtsied and waited for the chief to speak. She was paid to speak against the young miss, and she accepted because the pay was good and this wasn't the first time things like this happens. But she never imagined she would be right here in front of the chief. If anything goes wrong, her head will be one to pay the price . Nervous, she gulped and prayed for nothing to go wrong.

" Can you more shed light on the matter , will you?"

" Yes mi lord."

Olivia turned to look at the maid, her eyes glaring at the maid quietly. She didn't know what she did to the maid, that she could boldly come out speak so many lies against her. Her gaze fell on Rosie whose face was laced with a mischievous smirk. She looked straight at her and she knew instantly it was all her plan.

What a sly, dubious and scheming bitch she was.she Planned it well, no one will ever suspect her. Olivia face straighten, solemn as she vowed not to give up. She will make sure she do everything in her power to prove her innocence.

Rosie smirked evilly as the color drained from Olivia's face, even if she knows she planned it, there was no way she could point hands at her that she did it. After all, all hands were pointing at Olivia as the culprit not her.

The maid raised her head slightly and began to say the same words she had repeatedly said countless time that day again. The other maid was called out and she said the same too.

Niall who never fail to notice the invisible words shared between Olivia and Rosie eyes were filled with mirth. He smiled and watched the drama as it played in front of him.

Ronan finally called Olivia out and asked. " All this allegations laid against you, are they true." He asked as he looked at the little troublemaker in front of him. She has never been nothing but trouble from the first day he had set his eyes on her.

Olivia walked out and curtsied. She raised her head confidently as she began to ans his question.

" No mi lord. I do not know what the jewellery whatsoever looks like talk more of stealing it." She paused and continued. " I have been wrongly accused, beaten up over something I know nothing about. I do not plead guilty." Ronan's eyes brighten at her words.

Amelia scoffed when the words left Olivia's mouth then, Daphne hissed silently and shouted at Olivia.

" Lier, you thief."

" Silence, I did not remember requesting for your opinions." He angrily slammed his hand on the chair.

" Forgive me of my impudence mi Lord." She quickly apologized.

Ronan turned his attention towards Olivia and motioned for her to continue. He had never seen this new version of her, he wasn't impressed though but after several encounters they have shared, she had showed nothing but fear and weakness around him. He found this new version of her interesting.