GOD the first to ever exist the one the people call a being who created all of existence with just a breathe before GOD created these things nothing existed not even the concept of time and space or even duality. It all started off with the Angels and the father GOD all lived piecefully untill one Angel named Azaezel who turned against GOD. The fallen Angel fell from the heavens to hell and is known as the Devil,The maidling or his true identity Azaezel.
Lana: "You see what I mean now"
Kai: "WAIT SO THE BABY COMES OUT OF THE BUTT!" *he said as he jumped up in fear*
Lana: "NO YOU IDIOT I EXPLAINED IT A MILLION TIMES" *she said as she kicked him multiple times*
Mel: "Can you guys shut up I'm trying to read damnit"
Roland: "Hey guys Father GOD wants to speak to you 3"
Mel,Kai,Lana: "For WHAT" *they all said at the same time*
Roland: "Father didn't give me quite a reason he just asked to speak with you" *he said as he left*
GOD: "you've finally made it my children"
Kai,Mel,Lana: "Father" *they all said as they kneeled down*
Mel: "What do you need father"
GOD: "I have a mission for you 3 you will be traveling to another realm for this mission"
Kai: "Another realm huh sounds cool!" *he said as he jumped up*
Mel: "Whats this realm called"
GOD: "It's the realm of the fairy's they have been attacked by the demons"
Kai: "The demons are attacking again"
Lana: "What could they possibly want"
GOD: "revenge is what they want"
Mel: "Revenge?"
GOD: "I can't go in depth into it I just need you to complete this mission"
Kai: "Well I'm ready for anything that stands in my way Fairy realm here we come!"
Lana: "Shut up idiot stop yelling"
Mel: "Ughh both of you shut up"