Fairy Realm

Kai: *Takes a deep breath* "fairy Realm here we come"

Mel: "it says on the map we're almost there"

Kai: *yawns* "can this thing go any faster"

Lana: "this is the first time we hav-" *she was interrupted when she fell as the flying cloud bumped into an invisible wall*

Kai: "what...what's this barrier"

Lana: "MY HAIR!!!"

Mel: "get up not a big of a deal"

Lana: "MY HAIR MY HAIR MY HAIR" *she said reaptedly"

Mel: "how exactly can we get through this barrier"

Kai: "hmmm blow it up"

Mel: "we are trying to help the fairy's not make it worse"


Mel: "huh what's that noise"

Kai: "it has to be a demon" *he said as the demon landed infront of them*

Lana: "that thing is huge"

Mel:"this is a demon huh"

Demon: "The pity in your eyes I can't wait to rip the heads off your body"

Kai: "HUH MY HEAD" *he said as he cried"


Mel: *he got in a fighting stance* "bring it on"

Demon: "hehe" *he jumped up over Mel trying to squish him*

Mel: *Dodged it*

Kai: "Let's fight together"

Lana: "right"

Lana,Mel,Kai: *They all attacked the demon at the same time Lana attacking the neck Mel attacking the back Kai attacking the top of the head*

Demon: "The weakness" *he said as he grew 4 extra arms and grabbed all 3 of them at the same time and threw them in random directions*

Demon: *jumped to Mel's direction"

Mel: *hits the ground* "ugh damnit"

Demon: "GET UP" *he said as he slammed the ground"

Mel: "damnit this demon is gonna be a problem" *Jumped up to a tree jumping tree to tree while the Demon chased him*

Kai: *hits the ground* "augh"

meta demon: "hahahahah an angel I can't wait to eat you your FLESHH!!!"

Kai: "huh he looks like a...robot but he's a demon what is he" *he said in his head*


Kai: *he ran* *I don't know what to do his power is way over my leauge I have to find out something quick*

Lana: *Gets up* "huh where did I land .."

mythical demon: "you must be here to protect these little fairy's hehe it seems your to late there population will be extinct soon"

Lana: "I disagree we will save them" *she said as she got in a fighting stance*

mythical demon: "hehe let's get started then!"