Increased Loyalty!

Perhaps because she had experienced life and death, the current Nina was no longer as distant as before.

Instead, she was now a little emotional.

There was a saying, "women are not rational when they are emotional."

Of course, Thomson would not know what she was thinking.

Thomson only saw that Nina's loyalty had increased by five points.

Now it had reached 65 points.

It was not surprising that movies and novels all had scenes of heroes saving the damsel in distress.

It turned out that saving a damsel in distress could really make a damsel treat him differently.

This was the kind of existence beyond ordinary friendship.

He stopped thinking about the melodramatic plot.

Thomson did not assign any tasks to Nina. After all, she had not recovered yet.

After all, she had been hungry for so long and her body needed some time to recover.

Thomson took out a drumstick.

He wanted to give it to Nina.

On second thought, Nina could not digest the meat right now.

So, Thomson changed it to a marinated egg.

He tore open the package of the marinated egg and handed it to Nina's mouth.

She took a small bite of half of the egg.

Nina tried to control herself not to eat too fast.

This would cause a great burden on her stomach.

When she was in school, she had learned similar first aid knowledge.

After all, she had graduated from the police academy, so she would encounter any situation.

Therefore, the knowledge taught in the police academy was very comprehensive.

Thomson admired the way Nina ate the marinated eggs in small bites.

She fully experienced the joy of eating.

Especially eating with a long-legged beauty who was extremely beautiful.

"If an ordinary person had been hungry for so long, I'm afraid they'd have wolfed down the food," Thomson said with a smile.

"I'm a good student in the police academy. I still remember what I learned before."

Nina enjoyed the feeling of being full bit by bit.

This feeling was simply too blissful.

It turned out that eating was such a happy thing.

"So, it's the belle of the police academy." Thomson had seen many movies in the past, including movies with attractive characters.

When he thought of having a policewoman as his subordinate...

He felt excited just thinking about it.

Thomson thought of those valiant policewomen in the movies in the past and could not help but fall into a trance.

Thomson did not expect that he had transmigrated to this apocalypse.

In just a day's time, he already had an awesome system.

More importantly, he had a superpower that could freeze time.

He also had a policewoman with super long legs as his subordinate.

It felt so good.

Thomson and Nina chatted with each other.

Nina leaned on Thomson's shoulder, waiting for her body to recover its strength.

At this moment, a few zombies came up, shaking their heads.

Seeing the zombies staggering over, Nina hurriedly said, "Zombies, zombies are coming again."

"It's just five zombies.

"Don't be afraid."

Thomson let Nina lean against the wall behind him and picked up his tang knife.

He stood up.

At that moment, a kind of imposing manner that looked down on the world, appeared.

Seeing this, Nina's eyes were full of splendor.

Thomson carried his tang knife and swaggered toward the five zombies.

Facing the danger directly, there was no way out.

Suddenly, Thomson moved.

The robust figure raised his knife and slashed down, causing one of the zombies to fall to the ground.

Nina watched Thomson's movements, which were clean and neat.

How many zombies' heads had he chopped off to make such clean and neat movements?

Very soon, Thomson sat back down.

It was easy to chop off the heads of just five zombies.

Nina looked at the five zombies lying on the ground in a daze.

Thomson had killed all the zombies in less than a minute.

"Good, so powerful." Nina was a little stunned.

She knew Thomson was strong, but she did not expect him to be so strong.

Killing zombies was like killing a chicken.

No, it was easier than killing chickens.

Chickens could run and these zombies were not as fast as chickens.

To be honest, Nina was placed first in the police academy.

She was very strong in all aspects.

If she had been given a knife just now, even if she could kill two zombies, it would have been very troublesome.

Moreover, there were five zombies!

In her heart, her ideal partner should be more powerful than her.

Only in this way could she protect herself.

In a trance, Nina seemed to see the handsome Thomson slowly overlapping with her ideal partner.

Involuntarily, her admiration and loyalty to Thomson had increased by five points.

Now, her loyalty to Thomson had reached 70 points.

"Is it powerful? It's just so-so." Thomson wiped the blood off the knife.

He smiled faintly.

"It's not just so-so. If it's just so-so, then there won't be any geniuses.

"You're much more powerful than the special forces soldier I've seen," Nina said admiringly.

Hearing the praise, Thomson felt a little embarrassed.

Then, he said humbly, "Actually, I'm more powerful in other aspects."

What Thomson was thinking about was his time freeze power and his eye of insight power.

These two abilities were Thomson's most powerful abilities.

Just now, he had only used his instinct to kill five zombies.

After all, he had killed a lot of zombies, so he was naturally familiar with them.

However, Nina's thoughts were indeed wrong.

After all, Thomson's words had a strong hint.

However, what Nina did not expect was that after Thomson had used the genetic optimization liquid, in some aspects, he was indeed very powerful.

After resting for half a day, Nina had recovered some of her strength.

She could barely stand up now.

During this period, Thompson had also understood the current situation.

In this building, Nina had only been to a part of the rooms.

She had never been to any of the rooms with zombies.

Thomson looked at the zombies scattered all over the rooftop.

He picked up Nina.

While Nina was screaming, Thomson said, "These are all zombie corpses. Let's go somewhere else.

"You've just recovered a little. Let me carry you there."

Apart from going somewhere else, Thomson wanted to collect more supplies.

After all, with one more mouth to feed, he would need more supplies.