A Gathering of Zombies!

Nina, who was in Thomson's arms, was a little shy.

She had never experienced such an incident before.

However, when she heard that Thomson was going to take her out like this, she immediately became a little anxious.

This building was full of zombies, so it was very inconvenient to carry her around. She also could not walk the fire escape stairs outside the building.

If she dragged Thomson down and caused him to mutate after being scratched by zombies, Nina would feel bad.

After explaining the crucial point, she suggested, "There's a storage room upstairs. Usually, there are some food and water that are easy to store. Maybe there'll be some harvest there."

Thomson nodded, hugged Nina tightly, and was about to leave.

"Wait... Wait a minute.

"It's not easy to move like this. I'll drag you down."

Nina struggled in her arms and repeated, "Why don't you put me down? I'll wait for you here."

"What? You don't believe me?"

Thomson suddenly lowered his head and looked into her eyes. The momentum that was gradually formed from the continuous killing of zombies came out of nowhere.

Seeing those eyes, Nina was like a lamb meeting a gray wolf.

"No... No..." Nina avoided his eyes.

Thomson did not say anything more and headed toward the room that Nina had mentioned.

Just as she had said, there were indeed quite a few zombies along the way.

Many were at the stairwell, the corridor, and the room.

The zombies that were originally in a "dormant" state as they did not have a target to attack would become unusually fierce after hearing Thomson's voice.

Their speed and strength would magnificently increase.

In this narrow space, even with Thomson's current speed of 20 points, was difficult for him to dodge.

Fortunately, he had the stop time power, so he could always turn the situation around.

Although Nina would also stop moving temporarily because of his power, she also found that Thomson deliberately did not kill those zombies along the way.

She could not help but feel a little puzzled.

"Why do you keep these things?"

Thomson smiled slightly. "I want them to be my bodyguards for a while."

Nina was stunned for a moment, but she quickly reacted.

In the post-apocalyptic era, when humanity and ethics were broken, the zombies were not necessarily the ones who were dangerous.

The survivors who were like them would also pose a huge threat to them.

The path that led to Nina's room was filled with zombies. Although it was dangerous, it was like a natural barrier for the other survivors. However, this barrier had been flattened by Thomson, so he could not let Nina stay there anymore.

Nina also knew that she was very attractive. She was a sexy and charming woman. Any man would have thoughts about her.

Thinking of this, Nina could not help but feel a sense of warmth in her heart.

She found a long-lost sense of security in Thomson.

Thomson also found that not long after he said that, Nina's loyalty to him had increased by another level, reaching 80 points.

This was a very safe value, which meant that she had become a person worthy of being entrusted with.

Thomson hugged her and quickened his pace.

They were now on the 19th floor. Further up, the number of zombies had increased tremendously, blocking the stairwell. Even the time-stopping power could not pass through.

"Which floor is that room on?" Thomson asked.

"The 27th floor. Above that is the office area. There shouldn't be any supplies."

Since that was the case, they could only kill their way up.

Putting Nina down, Thomson was like a god of death. He hacked and stabbed with his tang knife. Every time he waved his hand, a head would fall off.

With the help of the power of time freeze, he soon reached the 25th floor.

Thomson panted heavily.

Continuous high-intensity battles had consumed a lot of stamina and the constant use of his superpower made his spirit a little weak.

He urgently needed high-calorie food to replenish his energy and rest for a while.

Nina retracted her shocked gaze and asked softly, "Are you okay?"

"I'm fine."

Thomson took a deep breath and looked at the mission progress on the system interface. It was 97%.

In other words, if he killed three more zombies, he would be able to complete the mission and get the reward.

The zombies in the corridor would definitely be able to satisfy his needs.

At this thought, Thomson grabbed the handle of the safety door and was about to open it when he suddenly heard Nina's anxious cry.


Nina held his hand.

Thomson turned around in confusion. "What's wrong?"

There was a hint of confusion and panic in her eyes. She explained, "I'm not sure, but I have a feeling that I can't open this door."

Nina looked at him and begged, "Thomson, why don't we go somewhere else? Or do you want to come back after you've rested?"

Thomson was very confident in his own strength. Although he was not in a good condition, he was able to deal with a few zombies without any problems.

Thomson held Nina's hand, signaling for her to be at ease. Then, he used the tang knife to pull open the safety door.


A crisp sound was heard, followed by the ear-piercing sound of the metal rotating shafts rubbing against each other.

As the safety door was opened, the situation in the corridor was revealed bit by bit.

The entire corridor was filled with zombies. Their heads were connected together and the stench assaulted their nostrils.

Countless zombies had heard the noise and turned around to look at the two of them.

There was no emotion in their empty eyes, only an instinctive desire for flesh and blood!

Zombie horde!

Thomson had never expected that there would be a zombie horde in this corridor!


"Ho, ho, ho!"

Countless zombies roared at the same time and the fat zombie nearest to them was spewing green pus as it flew toward them.

Nina's delicate body trembled. She was so scared that she took a step back and almost fell down the stairs.

Even Thomson's face changed.

Time stopped!

Thomson barely used his power in time and everything was frozen.

The tang knife slashed across the necks of the three nearest zombies. After this, Thomson picked up Nina and walked downstairs.

However, as soon as he went down to the next floor, Thomson felt that he could not hold on any longer, so he gritted his teeth and rushed into the corridor. He found a random room and hid in it.

The zombies here were also within the range of his special ability. Thomson stepped forward and slashed down but he had already used up the last of his strength. Then, he fell to the ground.

Nina's exclamation and the system's notification came one after another. Thomson could only glance at the door at the last moment before he lost consciousness.